Academic Requirements

Chapter 8 – Academic Regulations

Academic Requirements

8.20.10 General Education.  The foundation of all academic efforts begins with a broad base of knowledge covering all areas of human accomplishment and experience, broadly categorized as the arts, the humanities, the sciences including mathematics, and the social sciences. Therefore, URI students will gain exposure to the theories and practices of these four areas, as well as in their relationships to one another, regardless of each student’s major. Knowledge, by itself, is insufficient for development of well-rounded individuals. URI students will receive focused training and practice in the competencies of writing, oral communication, mathematics, and information literacy and apply all four to a wide variety of projects. Knowledge and competencies, however, are still insufficient. To be a fully functioning citizen, students must develop a sense of their place in society at the local, national, and global levels. URI students will be exposed to the experience and practice of responsibilities in civic engagement, global perspectives, and diversity and inclusion to clearly perceive and engage with the world in which they live. Through a General Education program pursued across a college career and in conjunction with specialized work in one or more majors, the student must clearly demonstrate the ability to synthesize knowledge, competencies, and responsibilities in a coherent and comprehensive display of scholarly or practice-based work. This is the fundamental goal of the URI General Education program — to enable students to develop themselves as scholars and individuals ready to employ and synthesize knowledge, competencies, and responsibilities, to solve problems and to engage confidently with the personal, public, and professional spheres.

The General Education program will assess student exposure to twelve (12) Student Learning Outcomes in four (4) areas:

A. Build knowledge of diverse peoples and cultures and of the natural and physical world.

  1. Understand and apply theories and methods of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) disciplines.
  2. Understand theories and methods of the social and behavioral sciences.
  3. Understand the context and significance of the humanities using theoretical and historical perspectives.
  4. Understand the context and significance of arts and design using aesthetic and technical perspectives on form, creativity, and performance.

B.  Develop intellectual and interdisciplinary competencies for academic and lifelong learning.

  1. Write effective and precise texts that fulfill their communicative purposes and address various audiences.
  2. Communicate effectively via understanding audiences, listening, delivering oral presentations, and actively participating in teams or group work.
  3. Apply the appropriate mathematical, statistical, or computational strategies to problem solving.
  4. Develop information literacy to independently research complex issues.

C.  Exercise individual and social responsibilities.

  1. Develop and engage in civic knowledge and responsibilities.
  2. Develop and exercise global responsibilities
  3. Develop and exercise responsibilities relating to diversity and inclusion

D.  Integrate and apply these abilities and capacities, adapting them to new settings, questions, and responsibilities to lay the foundation for lifelong learning.

  1. Demonstrate the ability to synthesize multiple knowledge perspectives, competencies, and responsibilities.

#13-14-21, #15-16-13, #15-16-20

8.20.11 All baccalaureate students at the University of Rhode Island shall fulfill the University’s General Education requirements as outlined in paragraphs 8.20.12 through 8.20.14. Students may fulfill their University General Education requirements throughout their undergraduate career. Transfer students may receive General Education credit for courses taught at another institution insofar as such courses are equivalent to courses given General Education credit at the University of Rhode Island.  #03-04–29#13-14-21#15-16-13#15-16-33

8.20.12  All General Education courses will assess two Student Learning Outcomes, in the following configurations:

Knowledge (Area A) and Competency (Area B)
Knowledge (Area A) and Responsibility (Area C)
Competency (Area B) and Competency (Area B)
Competency (Area B) and Responsibility (Area C)
Integration (Area D) and Competency (Area B)
Integration (Area D) and Responsibility (Area C)

Students must take at a minimum of three (3) credits of courses, or an approved sequence, for each of the twelve (12) assessed Student Learning Outcomes, plus additional courses to complete a minimum of 40 credits of approved General Education courses.  Approved General Education courses must cover at least 1 Student Learning Outcome fully; courses may cover 2 Student Learning Outcomes fully.  Overlap is allowed when a course fulfills two Student Learning Outcomes, but the credits cannot be double counted (within General Education courses) towards the total of 40.  For information on having any requirement waived by proficiency examination see 8.20.15. #13-14-21#15-16-13

8.20.13  A student must take one (1) course from those courses designated as Grand Challenge courses by the suffix “G” following the course code and number (e.g. COM 100G). A Grand Challenge course is an interdisciplinary General Education course that may be offered at any level (100 to 400). It is designed to facilitate students’ exploration of multiple perspectives on areas of contemporary significance, including their ethical implications, and to provide a stimulating and innovative course experience that addresses significant global challenges and broadens students’ understanding of the critical issues facing them in the 21st century. #13-14-21#15-16-13

8.20.14  Any course that assesses two (2) of the General Education Student Learning Outcomes may be submitted to the General Education Committee for approval to fulfill General Education requirements, regardless of that course’s place in a major or prerequisites. No college, department, major, minor, or other program or course of study may require a student to choose a specific course to satisfy the General Education requirements, although courses that fulfill requirements or prerequisites for majors which also happen to satisfy General Education requirements can be recommended through advising. Of the courses taken to complete General Education requirements, only up to 12 credits may share the same disciplinary code. An exception to the limit is allowed for the HPR (Honors Program topic) course code. Only courses that fulfill the D1 Student Learning Outcome, Integrate and Apply, may be graded using S/U. Of D1 courses graded S/U, a student may apply only up to 6 credits to the total 40 credits needed to complete the General Education requirements.  #13-14-21#15-16-13 #16-17-26B, #17-18-23, #20-21-24

8.20.16  Topics for the Honors Colloquium and other Honors courses shall be considered for General Education upon request of the Honors Director and the Teaching, Advising, and Assessment Committee. #13-14-21#15-16-13, #17-18-23

8.20.17  The General Education Committee shall, using course review standards calibrated to those in use by the Curriculum and Standards Committee, make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding implementation and administration of General Education and shall report periodically its evaluation of the General Education Program, including a review of the appropriateness of courses for General Education. #13-14-21#15-16-13, #17-18-23, #20-21-24

8.20.20  General Education is only a portion of any undergraduate degree program. Major and minor requirements along with electives contribute significantly to students’ education. All programs should include in their curricula opportunities for students to develop further the skills that this General Education program addresses. As a consequence of the interaction between General Education and major programs, the University of Rhode Island expects that all programs will lead students toward:

  • The ability to think critically in order to solve problems and question the nature and sources of authority.
  • The ability to use the methods and materials characteristic of each knowledge area with an understanding of the interrelationship among and the interconnectedness of the core areas.
  • A commitment to intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning.
  • An openness to new ideas with the social skills necessary for both teamwork and leadership;
  • The ability to think independently and be self-directed; to make informed choices and take initiative.

#03-04–29 #13-14-21#15-16-13,  #17-18-23

8.20.30 Director of General Education. A Director of General Education, selected from the General Faculty, shall coordinate and advocate for the General Education Program. The Director shall, in concert with the General Education Committee, be responsible for the overall management of the General Education Program. The Director shall report to the President of the Faculty Senate, keeping the Faculty Senate Executive Committee informed of current issues as requested. Questions of jurisdiction regarding joint responsibility for the General Education Program shall be referred to the Faculty Senate. The Director shall be released from one half of normal duties and shall be compensated for work done during summers. Normal duties shall include, but not be restricted to, teaching, assigned research, advisement, committee work and thesis direction. #16-17-31, #17-18-23, #20-21-5, #20-21-14, #20-21-36, #21-22-6

8.20.40 Major Fields of Study. An undergraduate student’s concentrated field of study in a degree-granting college shall be the student’s “major”; University College students may have a “preferred major.” The major field of study for graduate students shall be the student’s “program.” Curricular requirements for majors and programs are defined in the University Catalog. At least half of the credits required in an undergraduate student’s major field of study must be earned at The University of Rhode Island, with exception for an approved articulation agreement in Nursing. A student’s major(s) or program(s) and option(s) will be listed on the student’s permanent academic record after graduation. #00-01–2 #13-14–2 #16-17-22

8.20.50 Minor Fields of Study. Undergraduate students may declare a “minor” field of study. A minor is a secondary concentration of courses. Requirements may be satisfied by: 1) completion of 18 or more credits of any of the interdepartmental minors that have been proposed by one or more departments and approved by the Curriculum and Standards Committee, Faculty Senate, and the President; or 2) completion of 18 or more credits of related studies offered by one or more departments or programs and sponsored by a faculty member competent in the minor field of study. To declare a minor, a student must have approval of the department chairperson of the minor field of study (or faculty sponsor in option 2 of this paragraph), and the student’s academic dean. A student’s approved minor(s) will be listed on the student’s permanent academic record after graduation. #16-17-22, #17-18-23, #19-20-9   

8.20.51 At least twelve of the eighteen credits required for a minor shall be at the 200-level or above. At least eight of the credits required for a minor must be earned at the University of Rhode Island. A minimum average of 2.00 must be earned in the eighteen or more credits required for the minor. #16-17-22, #19-20-9

8.20.52 A maximum of two courses required in a major program may be used to apply to both the major and minor fields of study. Courses in General Education may be used for the minor. Courses in the minor may not be taken under the pass-fail grading option. Additionally, graduates who have earned an undergraduate degree with a minor from the University of Rhode Island and who are then readmitted to the University to pursue an alternate major or degree, may apply for that purpose all credits earned in pursuit of the previous minor field of study. Foundational/supporting courses, defined as courses that students take in preparation for the major, may also apply to the minor. At least one credit of the minor must come from a course that is neither a required nor a foundational/supporting course for the student’s major.  #05-06–35 #16-17-22, #19-20-9   #IFSR 22-23-10   #23-24-7

8.20.53 Application for a minor must be filed in the academic dean’s office no later than the beginning of the second semester of the student’s senior year. Departments and programs may require an application for a minor in advance of the second semester of the senior year, but not before the semester in which 60 credits are completed.  #05-06–35 #16-17-22

8.20.60 Options. Some programs require that students complete an option within the major field. In these programs, students will complete a common core of courses and select an option on the basis of their career interests. The option consists of courses designated by the department as appropriate for that option. The courses so designated will give students expertise in a particular aspect of the discipline. Students must declare their option before graduation. The option will appear on the student’s transcript in addition to their program(s) and major(s). #00-01-2 #16-17-22

8.20.61 A minimum grade point average of 2.00 must be earned in the option courses. At least half of the credits required for the option must be earned at the University of Rhode Island. #00-01-2 #16-17-22

8.20.62 Options require approval of the college Curriculum Committee, Curriculum and Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate. The proposal to create an option must be in writing and indicate that the proposal has departmental approval. The rationale must address the question of why the option is a meaningful distinction within the major. #00-01-2 #16-17-22, #17-18-23

8.20.70 Undergraduate Certificates. Students may enroll in approved Undergraduate Certificate Programs to further their knowledge of a field of interest, provide specialized training, and/or to enhance their professional skills. Undergraduate Certificates generally require 15-21 credits of coursework. Undergraduate Certificates are available to degree seeking and certificate-only seeking undergraduate students. #16-17-22

8.20.71 Students who have been admitted to an undergraduate degree program may enroll in an Undergraduate Certificate Program while completing their degree requirements by obtaining the approval from the Certificate Coordinator or chairperson of the department offering the certificate and from the student’s academic dean, and satisfying the admission requirements for the desired certificate. Completion requirements are specific to each Undergraduate Certificate Program. A completed Undergraduate Certificate will be listed on the student’s permanent academic record after graduation. #16-17-22

8.20.72 Students pursuing an Undergraduate Certificate must be admitted through the Office of Admissions or the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies, Office of Strategic Initiatives upon the recommendation of the appropriate admissions officer. Such admissions shall be limited to completion only of the Undergraduate Certificate Program. Students admitted under this regulation are subject to the same regulations as students admitted in the usual way. Undergraduate Certificate-only students seeking admission to any undergraduate major at the University shall be considered transfer students and are subject to all transfer admission criteria outlined in 8.13.10 – 8.13.13. A student accepted directly into an Undergraduate Certificate program is one who is enrolled for appropriate courses to complete the Undergraduate Certificate at the University but who has not been admitted to University College for Academic Success nor to a degree-granting program by the Dean of Admissions or the Dean of the Graduate School nor one who has been academically dismissed from a college of the University (see 8.25.10 – 8.25.18 for regulations pertaining to academically dismissed students). #16-17-22, #19-20-34

8.20.73 All courses completed in pursuit of an Undergraduate Certificate may apply toward undergraduate degree requirements. Some degree programs consist of multiple certificate programs that, when combined or stacked, comprise many or all of the program’s degree requirements. Undergraduate Certificate courses may not be taken under the pass-fail grading option.  Applicants may not transfer courses into an Undergraduate Certificate Program that have been taken at institutions other than URI. Credits earned at URI prior to officially matriculating into the Undergraduate Certificate Program and applied to and applied to that Program must have been taken within eight years of matriculating into that Undergraduate Certificate Program and cannot total more than two-fifths of the total number of credits required for that Program. #16-17-22   #IFSR 22-23-10

8.20.74 Time-to-degree Limit. Students must complete all of the requirements for the Undergraduate Certificate Program within 5 years of their date of matriculation in that Program. #16-17-22

8.20.75 Undergraduate Certificate program form. Students in an Undergraduate Certificate Program must complete an Undergraduate Certificate program form and submit it to the office of their academic dean at the time of acceptance to the program. Undergraduate Certificate program forms list the courses to be taken to fulfill the requirements of the Certificate. If any changes in the original Undergraduate Certificate program are made, a new Undergraduate Certificate program form must be submitted as soon as possible. All Undergraduate Certificate Programs will have an established list of courses that can be used to satisfy the requirements for the Certificate. #16-17-22

8.20.76 Students in an Undergraduate Certificate Program must have approval of the department chairperson of the Undergraduate Certificate and the student’s academic dean. A student’s approved and verified Undergraduate Certificate will be listed on the student’s permanent academic record after graduation. #16-17-22

8.20.77 Nomination for Graduation. A Nomination for Graduation form must be submitted to the student’s academic dean in a student’s final semester. Deadlines for submission are published on the individual degree granting college websites. #16-17-22

8.20.78 Grades and Grade Point Averages. Students must meet the acceptable grade requirements as described in the catalog description for their specific Undergraduate Certificate. A minimum average of 2.00 must be earned in the 15-21 credits required for the undergraduate Certificate. #16-17-22

8.20.79 Undergraduate Certificate Program Coordinators. Every Undergraduate Certificate Program shall have at least one Coordinator. The Coordinator may be the Department Chair of the Department sponsoring the Certificate, or in the case of Interdisciplinary Certificates may be a participating faculty member. The Coordinator must assure that students enrolled in the Undergraduate Certificate Program are advised properly and provide the most up to date program information to students seeking completion of the Undergraduate Certificate. Coordinators/Chairs must approve a student’s participation in the Undergraduate Certificate, approve changes to Undergraduate Certificate forms, and submit Nominations for Graduation when students have completed the Undergraduate Certificate. Coordinators and participating faculty also respond to programmatic questions from potential applicants, maintain files on active students, and keep records of the number of students who have participated in the Undergraduate Certificate Program from its inception. #16-17-22

8.20.80 Post-Baccalaureate Certificates (see Appendix J of the Graduate School Manual). Post-baccalaureate Graduate Certificates offer students the ability to obtain a graduate credential in a specialized topic. Graduate Certificate Programs are designed to use existing courses to respond to professional and workforce needs, and to provide opportunities for the exploration of new curricular areas. They are distinctly different from certification programs and are not intended to meet licensure or professional practice requirements. Students applying for admission into a Graduate Certificate Program must do so through the URI Graduate School admission system. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited University or College. International students must be enrolled in a graduate degree program. Certificate programs establish their own admission requirements pending approval from the Graduate Council. Students in one or more certificate programs may also be enrolled simultaneously in a master’s or doctoral degree program. For more information, consult Appendix J of the Graduate School Handbook. #16-17-22

8.20.90 Proposals to create Undergraduate or Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Programs require approval of the faculty of the originating department, the college curriculum committee, the appropriate coordinating and review committee (normally the Curriculum and Standards Committee or Graduate Council), the Faculty Senate, and the University President. Certificate Programs shall be subject to the program review process (8.86.10 – 8.86.14). #16-17-22, #17-18-23, #20-21-36  IFSR 2024-2025-01

8.21.10 Undergraduate Curricular Requirements. The minimum number of credits required for graduation for all four-year baccalaureate programs shall be 120 and the maximum 148. No curriculum shall exceed 32 classroom and laboratory contact hours per week in one semester. Every curriculum shall include at least six credit hours of free electives. Exceptions to this may be granted when a program demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Curriculum and Standards Committee and the Faculty Senate that accreditation requirements are such that the program cannot permit six credits of free electives within the program’s normal length (4 or 5 years). This requirement shall not apply to existing time shortened degree programs. #17-18-4B, #17-18-23

8.21.11 The program in General Education shall apply to all baccalaureate degree programs.

8.21.12 A required course is one that is designated in the University Catalog as a specific curriculum or major requirement.

8.21.13 A free elective is one that is not designated in the University Catalog as a specific curriculum or major requirement.

8.21.14 A student who is admitted to the University with entrance conditions shall remove all such deficiencies in accordance with regulations of the degree-granting college in which the student seeks to matriculate.

8.21.15 Course credit earned at the University or other institutions more than eight years prior to admission, readmission, or transfer to a degree-granting program shall be counted for graduation only with the consent of the dean of the college involved.

8.22.10 Graduation. To graduate, a continuously matriculated student must have met the requirements of the curriculum in which the student is enrolled and the minimum quality point average approved by the Faculty Senate and published in the University Catalog at the time of initial matriculation. A student who leaves the University and is subsequently readmitted may choose to meet the requirements in effect at the time of initial matriculation except that students returning to matriculated status after a period of more than eight years must follow the current General Education requirements. A cumulative average of at least 2.00 is required for all undergraduate degrees. One fourth of all credits required for graduation must be earned at the University.

8.22.11 The work of the senior year shall be taken at the University of Rhode Island. Exceptions must be approved by the faculty of the college in which the student is enrolled. However, the dean of the college shall be able to approve a maximum of fifteen credits to be taken at another college or university. #07-08–27

8.22.20 Any student who has met the requirements for two different bachelors degrees will be granted both degrees and will be issued two diplomas. #00-01-13

8.22.21 Any student who has met the requirements for two separate majors within any single bachelors degree has earned a double major and may have both majors listed on the student’s permanent record, but will not be issued a second diploma.

8.22.22 Students who have completed degree requirements for a major and have graduated shall be readmitted to the University to pursue a second major subject to current catalog requirements. #00-01-12

8.22.30 Courtesy Degree. A student who has completed the degree requirements of six semesters at the University in the curriculum in which the student was last registered and who then enrolled in an accredited professional college and received therefrom a recognized professional degree may, upon application, be awarded a baccalaureate degree from the University, such award to be made at the next regular commencement following the date of application. (Note: This courtesy shall not apply to students whose application is for a University of Rhode Island degree conferred after the June 1985 commencement).

8.22.40 Distinction. Students who complete at least sixty (60) credits of their work at the University are eligible to graduate with honors. Grades in all courses attempted at the University shall be included in the calculation of the quality point average. On the recommendation of the student’s dean, an exception may be made for students who have been readmitted but have not used any of the prior work to satisfy the degree requirements. Those who attain a cumulative quality point average at the time of graduation of at least 3.30 shall be recognized as graduating “cum laude.” Those who achieve a quality point average of 3.50 shall graduate “magna cum laude,” and those who attain a quality point average of at least 3.70 “summa cum laude.” Participation in an honors program shall not be a condition for graduating “cum laude,” “magna cum laude” or “summa cum laude.” #00-01-29

8.22.50 Posthumous Degrees. University of Rhode Island students who die while registered for courses and who have completed at least fifty percent of the credits necessary for the degree which they are seeking are eligible to be awarded a posthumous degree. On the recommendation of the chair of the department and the dean of the college in which the student was enrolled, the President of the University or designee, and the URI Board of Trustees may confer a posthumous degree. #02-03–31, #21-22-6   #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

8.22.51 Posthumous degrees shall be presented to the family of the deceased student by the college dean on behalf of the President of the University at a time and place of the President’s choosing. However, that time and place may not be at the time and place of any college graduation ceremonies except by recommendation of the department chair and college dean. #02-03–31

8.23.10 Academic Standards for Matriculating Undergraduate Students. A student shall be placed on scholastic probation if the student’s overall cumulative scholastic average falls below a 2.00. For purposes of determining dismissal of part-time students, scholastic standing committees shall consider an accumulation of twelve (12) attempted credits as the minimum standard for one semester’s work.

8.23.11 Students on academic probation shall not enroll for more than 15 credits, and must obtain their advisor’s approval to preregister, register, or change registration.

8.23.12 A student shall be dismissed for scholastic reasons at the end of the third semester of probation or when the student has a deficiency of eight or more quality points below a 2.00 average after being on probation the previous semester. (A student on probation for the second successive semester who has a deficiency of fewer than 8 quality points below a 2.00 average will continue on probation.) Students who obtain less than a 1.00 average in their first semester shall be dismissed automatically.

8.23.13 When a student receives a report of “incomplete” (I) or when no grade is reported, the student’s standing shall be calculated from the remainder of the student’s work.

8.24.10 Procedure for Scholastic Discipline for Undergraduate Students. A scholastic standing committee shall be established for each college. The membership shall comprise the dean of the college and two or more faculty members of the college, appointed by the dean.

8.24.11 Students subject to automatic probation or dismissal in accordance with the provisions of 8.23.10 – 8.23.13, shall be so notified by their academic deans.

8.24.12 Students subject to automatic dismissal shall have the right to appeal to their dean within five days of the date of notice by filing with the dean a written statement explaining the extenuating circumstances and stating the reasons why the dismissal action should not prevail.

8.24.13 The appeal shall be reviewed by the college’s scholastic standing committee, which shall confirm the dismissal or continue the student on probation. The Scholastic Standing Committee will determine if dismissal is for one academic semester or one academic year. The decision of the Scholastic Standing Committee shall be final.

8.24.14 Each Scholastic Standing Committee shall meet as soon after the end of each final grade period as is practicable.

8.24.15 Every case of automatic dismissal and of action on appeals shall be reported by the dean of each college to the Office of Enrollment Services. Dismissal shall result in the loss of matriculating status.

8.24.16 No credit toward a degree requirement shall be accepted for courses taken while the student is under suspension or dismissal from the University for either academic or disciplinary reasons, unless express permission for registration has been given by the student’s academic dean or in the case of disciplinary action, the Dean of Students.

8.25.10 Reinstatement of Matriculating Undergraduate Students. A student who has been dismissed may be reinstated to matriculating status after a period of one academic semester or one academic year upon recommendation of the Scholastic Standing Committee of the college in which registration is desired.

8.25.11 Students who have been academically dismissed are the administrative responsibility of the dean of the college to which they wish to be readmitted. Those who wish to take courses as non-matriculating students shall be provided advising services by the dean who will refer students to advisors in their anticipated major when appropriate. Credit and/or course limitations may be imposed on previously dismissed students by their academic dean.

8.25.12 At the end of each semester the dean will review the academic records of each student allowed course work under these provisions. Previously dismissed students may enroll for no more than two semesters provided that they earn a minimum of 2.00 QPA in each of these two semesters. At the end of two semesters they must apply for readmission and be readmitted as matriculating students or successfully petition to the dean and Scholastic Standing Committee of the college for an exception to the two-semester limitation. Students who are neither readmitted nor granted a time extension by petition will be denied further enrollment in the University.

8.25.13 Students dismissed for academic reasons may be reinstated either under conditional readmission or under probationary readmission. Students with a deficiency of eight or more quality points below 2.00 who left the University but were not dismissed may be reinstated in either of the above categories. A conditional student shall be subject to regulations outlined in sections 8.25.14 – 8.25.16. For regulations governing probationary status see 8.23.10 – 8.23.13.

8.25.14 Students on conditional status must earn at least a 2.00 average in each of two conditional semesters. For part-time students, accumulation of twelve graded credits (A-F or U) at the University shall be equivalent to one semester. Students not earning the necessary minimum grades for retention in the University during the conditional period shall be dismissed at the end of the first semester in which they are deficient. Conditional students may not appeal such dismissal.

8.25.15 At the end of the two conditional semesters, if the preceding minimum grade requirements have been met, the Scholastic Standing Committee shall direct the Office of Enrollment Services to examine the student’s record prior to readmission and designate pass credits for those courses for which a grade of “C-” or better was received. No credit shall be given in courses in which grades “D+,” “D,” “F,” or “U” were received. While the permanent record shall continue to show previous grades, the calculations of the minimum number of quality points necessary for graduation shall be based on grades earned after the time of the conditional reinstatement.

8.25.16 Students shall normally be allowed only one conditional reinstatement. However, after a significant time of separation from the University (no less than five years), students who demonstrate a seriousness of purpose and evidence of academic achievement may, upon recommendation of the dean of the college to which they are applying, be granted a second conditional reinstatement. Students may also have a second conditional reinstatement if, while on dismissed status, they earn an academic degree from a regionally accredited institution. #21-22-6

8.25.17 During the period of the student’s separation from the college in which the student was enrolled, any course taken with the prior permission of the student’s dean in which the student has earned a “C” or its equivalent or better shall be accepted by the Scholastic Standing Committee of the school or college in which the student is registered and shall be given transfer credit on the student’s permanent record if reinstated.

8.25.18 The student seeking reinstatement shall submit a written request to the Scholastic Standing Committee of the college to which the student plans to return. If in the Committee’s judgment, incorporating the evidence from any course work taken elsewhere as specified in 8.25.17, the student may reasonably be expected to do satisfactory work, it shall allow the reinstatement.

8.26.10 Appeals Procedure. Every undergraduate college shall establish and publish procedures for dealing with student requests for exceptions to courses of study or to other degree requirements or academic rules prescribed by that college or by the General Faculty.

8.26.11 Undergraduate students seeking exceptions to any University rule pertaining to their academic circumstances, including degree requirements and courses of study, shall do so by written petitions submitted to the students’ respective deans. Copies of all such petitions shall be preserved by the respective deans for not less than two years.

8.26.12 No waiver of any college or University rule or requirement pertaining to an individual student’s academic circumstances may be granted except in conformity with 8.26.10 and 8.26.11.

8.26.13 Faculty members bear responsibility for the evaluation of students and their professional judgment in this regard is to be respected. Undergraduate and graduate students who object to a recorded grade in a course shall discuss the matter initially with the instructor. If the issue remains unresolved, students shall make their case in writing to the instructor’s department chairperson or immediate administrative supervisor. The chair/supervisor shall respond to the request, in writing, after a decision is made. If the chairperson/supervisor thinks the appeal has merit, the chairperson/supervisor shall so inform the instructor, providing to the instructor a copy of the student’s written appeal as well as of the chair’s/supervisor’s written response. If this still fails to produce resolution, the chairperson/supervisor shall refer the matter to a departmental or college appeals committee for a recommendation. (The latter would be appropriate in colleges lacking departments or where department faculty have voted to delegate the authority to a college appeals committee. For petitions concerning grades, appeals committees at both levels shall include a faculty member from a closely allied department or discipline.) If, after investigating the appeal, the committee concludes that compelling reasons exist to modify a grade, it shall give the instructor a written explanation of its decision and ask that person to make the change. If the instructor still declines, the instructor must provide the committee with a written explanation of the reasons for refusing. If, after considering the instructor’s explanation, the committee agrees unanimously that it would be unjust to let the original grade stand, it shall direct the chairperson/supervisor that the grade be changed over the instructor’s objection. The chairperson/supervisor shall then initiate the change, notifying the instructor, the student, the instructor’s dean, the student’s dean, and the Office of Student Affairs of this action. The only exception to these guidelines shall be in cases where the instructor can no longer be consulted (e.g., that person has died or moved to an unknown address). In these circumstances, the appropriate chairperson/supervisor shall act in the stead of the absent instructor and modify a student’s grade if a departmental or college appeals committee unanimously recommends such action in writing. In general, grades under appeal shall not be considered when evaluating students for continuance in an academic program or for scholarship eligibility. The filing of the appeal must occur within two semesters following the issuing of the grade. #05-06–31, #06-07–32, #09-10–12 #13-14–2, #21-22-6

8.27.10 Cheating and Plagiarism. Students are expected to be honest in all academic work related to the classroom, online, internships, co-ops, study abroad, independent studies, research projects, practica, or other experiential placements. #15-16-30

8.27.11 A student’s name on any written exercise (theme, report, notebook, paper, examination) shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own thought and study, stated in the student’s own words and produced without assistance, except as quotation marks, references and footnotes acknowledge the use of other sources of assistance. Occasionally, students may be authorized to work jointly, but such effort must be indicated as joint on the work submitted. Submitting the same paper for more than one course is considered a breach of academic integrity unless prior approval is given by the instructors.

8.27.12 In preparing papers or themes, a student often needs or is required to employ sources of information or opinion. All such sources used in preparing to write or in writing a paper shall be listed in the bibliography. It is not necessary to give a footnote reference for specific facts which are common knowledge and have obtained general agreement. However, facts, observations and opinions which are new discoveries or are debatable shall be identified with correct footnote references even when restated in the student’s own words. Material taken word for word from the written or oral statement of another person must be enclosed in quotation marks or otherwise clearly distinguished from the body of the text and the source cited. Paraphrasing or summarizing the contents of another’s work usually is acceptable if the source is clearly identified but does not constitute independent work and may be rejected by the instructor. #21-22-6

8.27.13 Notebooks, homework and reports of investigations or experiments shall meet the same standards as all other written work. If any work is done jointly or if any part of an experiment or analysis is made by someone other than the writer, acknowledgment of this fact shall be made in the report submitted. Obviously, it is dishonest to falsify or invent data.

8.27.14 Written work presented as personal creation is assumed to involve no assistance other than incidental criticism from others. A student shall not knowingly employ story material, wording or dialogue taken from published work, motion pictures, radio, television, lectures or similar sources.

8.27.15 In writing examinations, the student shall respond entirely on the basis of the student’s own capacity without any assistance except that authorized by the instructor.

8.27.16 Instructors shall have the responsibility of informing students about their expectations regarding the preparation of all assignments with academic integrity. #15-16-30

8.27.17 Instructors shall have the explicit duty to take action in known cases of cheating or plagiarism. The instructor shall have the right to fail a student on the assignment on which the instructor has determined that a student has cheated or plagiarized. The circumstances of this failure shall be reported to the student’s academic dean, the instructor’s dean, and the Dean of Students Office. The student may appeal the matter to the instructor’s dean, and the decision by the dean shall be expeditious and final. The Dean of the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies shall be considered the instructor’s dean only in cases of courses offered exclusively through the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies (e.g. courses with the code BIS). #09-10–12  #October 20, 2022 Informational Report

8.27.18 If the violation warrants more severe censure, the instructor may recommend additional action to the instructor’s dean. Upon this recommendation the dean may authorize the instructor to fail the student in the course. The student or instructor may appeal the dean’s decision to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs whose decision on the appeal shall be final.

8.27.19 Either the instructor, the instructor’s dean or the student’s dean may request conduct action (see 9.21.10 9.23.31) on an allegation against a student for cheating or plagiarism. Any of the conduct sanctions listed in sections 9.22.10 – 9.22.18 may be imposed after a finding of guilty. If the request comes from an instructor it shall be accompanied by a statement of position from the instructor’s dean (see 9.20.10 and 9.21.10).  #January 27, 2022 Informational Report

8.27.20 Students accused of academic dishonesty within the drop period may be denied the opportunity to drop the course.  This requires permission from the instructor’s dean.  If the accusation is not upheld in an appeal, the student will be given the same options available before the end of the drop period without penalty. #04-05–32

8.27.21 Any record of scholastic integrity infractions where actions have been taken (i.e., assignment of an “F” on an assignment and notification of the student’s dean, dean’s authorization to assign an “F” for the course, referral to the University Board on Student Conduct) will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office. A cumulative file will be maintained in that office. The Dean of Students shall notify the student’s dean of subsequent infractions and may initiate conduct action against the student. #04-05–32   #October 20, 2022 Informational Report

8.27.22. All course content (including but not limited to syllabi, outlines, presentation slides, lectures, lesson plans, class activities, exams, and assignments) created or facilitated by instructors shall be considered the instructors’ intellectual property. Course content shall not be recorded, distributed, shared in any public domain or third party website, or sold without prior written consent of the instructor. #15-16-30, #20-21-42