In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
Reports may be submitted online via a secure web form, or if you prefer you can file one in person. You may submit a general conduct report anonymously. However, please be aware that we will not be able to follow up with you about this report and we may be limited in our ability to address the allegation effectively, or at all. Please provide accurate information to best of your knowledge; intentionally falsifying documents may be a violation of university policies and applicable state/federal laws.
Student Grievance Against a Faculty or Staff Member
Procedures for students are designed to manage complaints and grievances concerning the actions, decisions, or inaction of faculty and/or staff members. A student should initiate an attempt to resolve the problem with the individual whose action or decision is being questioned. If satisfaction is not reached at this level, the student should proceed up the normal administrative hierarchy.
For example, in academic matters such as a grade complaint, the student should first speak with the professor. The normal hierarchy then leads to the department chairperson, dean of the college, and finally the provost.
Similarly, complaints regarding administrative actions and decisions should first be addressed to the individual whose action or decision is being questioned. The normal hierarchy then leads to the appropriate dean, director, or department head, and then to the vice president or provost of the division in question. In the event of a complaint alleging discrimination, the student may choose to have their complaint heard under the discrimination and equality procedures.
The Dean of Student Office and the Office of Equal Opportunity offices are available to advise and inform students concerning such complaints. In addition, students may visit the University Ombuds located in Green Hall. In most cases the Ombuds will not become actively involved until the student has exhausted the normal grievance procedures. Please see Ombuds for additional information about services provided by the University Ombuds.

Student Conduct System
Before filing a report, we suggest taking a look at our information about the university student conduct system and/or consult the Student Handbook.
current student handbook PDF learn more about the conduct system