External 9-16-2013

Meeting Start Time: 2:07pm

Attendance: Jacob Lanoie, Lucy Gildein, Kathleen Uy, Nicholas Hetland, Rebecca Allamey

Martin Lannan- Excused


Meeting Time

  • -New meeting time
  • -Decide when new freshman join senate
  • -Offer off-campus seats to off-campus friends

Fall Carnival

  • -October 16th is set for carnival
  • -September 25th get approval by senate through finance
  • -Promo Items have our logos we just have to pick the colors for item and logo
  • -The bottle opener cannot fit our entire logo we have URI Student Senate instead
  • -Choose colors for promo items and contact Elizabeth Dawkins to put the order in
  • -Amount is $1206.00
  • -Commuter Housing- Katrina offered $3,000.00 for carnival
  • -Presenting fall carnival and our ideas into expanding the carnival
  • -Fill out forms if Carnival is approved
  • -September 25th start working on advertisements and promoting event and cultural affairs committee
  • -Handing out letters to student groups and vendors JAKE SHOULD HAVE HIS CAR
  • -Drawing tickets will have commuter housing fair on the ticket to advertise it
  • -Create a draft of what senators can say to students when they come up to the booth

Promo Items and Final Decisions

  • -Cup Blue Cup/ White logo
  • -Bottle Opener- Blue Opener/ White Logo
  • -Kuzie- Blue Kuzie/ White logo
  • -Pens- White pen/ Blue Logo


High One Account

  • -Consumer advocacy group Higher One account contacted Jake
  • -This is a more mass decision to do something with Higher One account


  • -Not starting any new projects until after the carnival and commuter housing fair

External Affair Ideas

  • -Don’t want to be associated with any political candidate
  • -Narragansett Town Hal Meetings- a senator should attend these each week to have good relations with off campus students and Narragansett

Meeting Adjournment Time: 2:41pm