Finance 3-11-2016



Committee: Chairman Anderson , Vice-Chair Buck , Senator McIsaac , Senator Mattern, Senator Skov, Senator Bennet, Senator Donnelly, Senator Crystal, Senator Kamara

Absent: None

Non-Committee: Scuba, SEA, IFC, P.I.N.K., Debate Union, THRIVE, Electronic Music Association, Persian Cultural Society



  • P.I.N.K. Women
  • Unsung Heroine Awards Contingency Grant. $3,100 for catering through URI Dining. PINK is back at it again with the Unsung Heroine Award. They decided not to bring Karen Civil but the group wanted to put money towards catering. Those in attendance would be PINK Women, 3 Keynote speakers and a +1 each, award recipients, and students from multicultural orgs, Greek life and all over campus. PINK is not charging to this event because they don’t want to discourage people from coming. The person in charge of catering gave them this number, but they are trying to adjust quotes. Prices on food from URI catering has gone up significantly since last year. The group agrees with $2,750.


Motion to Grant $2,750 to P.I.N.K. Women Approved (7-0-1)


  • Scuba Club
  • Beneath the Sea Contingency Grant. Convention about marine science, diving, safety and networking. It’s been a beneficial experience for the past 2 years. They would like help for hotel rooms in New Jersey. They are requesting 1,392 for 2 nights and 4 rooms. The group had a sign-up sheet and it was first come first serve. Many prominent dive people go to this and other relevant academic majors will be there. Second semester seniors are paying for themselves. By policy, we can only fund half of this (no more than $500). Scuba hopes to bring back a lot of the latest knowledge and safety techniques about diving. They can see this being a yearly event. Scuba has fundraised a lot over this past year and years before through sweatshirts and decal. The group agrees with $500.


Motion to Grant Scuba $500 Approved (8-0-0)

    • IFC


  • IFC is budgeted for a yearly conference but someone booked it before talking to the treasurer so they never had access to the money beforehand. They want to move $500 from 236 to 130 line.


Motion to Move $500 from line 236 to 130 Approved (8-0-0)


  • THRIVE has passion for pressing matters in the world. Changefest would be a convention that would include 12 universities from Rhode Island. (Brown, PC, Salve, Bryant, Johnson and Wales, New England Tech, CCRI etc.) The groups would come together and brainstorm ideas to implicate social change. The group is asking for funding for catering and awards, however due to policy we cannot fund awards. The group is charging $10 per ticket. Other students from other schools are also paying. A website is being designed, but we could go towards a free website. The event is April 23, 2016. It is not registered down in the SEA office.
  • Anderson states that we are interested but we need to solidify details and figures. This would benefit a lot of people but more planning needs to take place. THRIVE thinks this will be their event for the years to come. The group can predict either taking a bus or carpooling to the event. THRIVE will come back next Friday 3/18.
  • Persian Culture Society
  • They promote the Persian culture on campus. They are hosting the Persian New Years at the Graduate Village Community Center. They are asking for groceries for two different types of food for the members to cook. 520 goes towards groceries and 80 goes to decorations. “S” items for the New Year table need to be set up in order to be culturally correct. The event is free for all students and it is encouraged for people to come. There will be food, music and dancing. PCS is bringing in a friend to DJ. Hungry Rhody is supplying free pizza. The group has gathered many donations from members of the club and also from outside sources. The group has yet to fundraise because of lack of campus interest and buy in. There is a huge emphasis on the culture of the table for New Years. This event will fall right before the first day of spring every year. They will keep what decorations they have for years to come. The group agrees on $550.


Motion to Grant P.C.S. $550 Approved (8-0-0)


  • Electronic Music Association
  • They want to educate and immerse everyone in Electronic Music. They have been doing this event for the past 15 years. It goes from 9-2 am. 15 different DJ’s and 3 rooms of sound. A lot of the DJ’s were gotten for free. The headliner is “huge” and “getting real big fast”. A lot of the money is going towards lights and sounds in the 3 different rooms. The group is charging $7 for URI students and $10 from other students. They have been promoting through Facebook, Instagram and fliers. This event has been registered through the SEA office. The sound and lighting had gone up a little bit depending on his equipment (Original contingency was $965 and the second grant was changed to $1,090). The group agrees on $965.


Motion to Grant E.M.A $965 Approved (8-0-0)


  • Debate Union
  • Contingency Grant for Colgate University. The Debate team (6 members and 1 coach) wants to go to Colgate University for a tournament. The top debaters and consistent members are picked to go to this event. The members fall in the years of juniors and sophomores. The group has to pay for a judge and for bringing an uncovered team without a judge. Lodging and food is also being asked for. $525 for food. $714 for lodging. The group fundraised by selling crew necks. The group agrees on $800.


Motion to Grant $800 to Debate Union Approved (8-0-0)



  • Senate
  • Senate is giving $500 from Co-Sponsorship to SAA for Oozeball.


Motion to Grant $500 for Oozeball Co-Sponsorship Approved (8-0-0)