Committee: Chairperson Garcia, Senator Temple, Senator Porter
Absent: Senator Curtis,
Non-Committee: Natalie Garcia, Book Store Worker
- Bookstore survey
- Over 1000 surveys taken, only 600 originally predicted
- Going to close the survey by end of the week
- Going to share the information next semester
- After briefly viewing responses, Paul said that they are not going to like some of the feedback given
- Recently finished speaking with different college officials, and they are trying to get professors to provide their necessary textbook information to the bookstore earlier. Only 50 done so far.
- Meetings starting next month with deans. Want Deans’ feedback from knowing a survey has been taken and if they are open to change their policies.
- Can’t force faculty to provide their required texts sooner because it is not written in their job descriptions
- Hope to start a constant communication between senate and the bookstore in the future.
- Academic Complaints
- Complaint against Chemistry TA for inconsistent grading policy
- Final Exam Schedule
- Final Exam Question
- URI Tours-Tours are disruptive
- Discrimination Complaint- Happened in academic setting from an advisor
- Pass information on to campus committee and Bias Response Team under student affairs so that they can assess student discrimination cases based on their job description.
- Academic Rights
- DOC Posting to it online
- Sent information to all residence halls, liaisons, and organizations
- Changes to Final Exam rights will not go into effect until next year
- Next Steps
- Chairperson will send a doodle poll to see what time works best next semester for committee meetings
- Chairperson will assign a Summer assignment. Binders for liaisons, already ordered