Campus 9-19-18

Campus 9/19/18
Start, 5:20-6:00
Rose Wood, Mark Gall, John Bagley, Tristam Howard


  1. Vice chair nominations
  2. Sleeping pods
    1. They’re huge, we don’t have space
    2. Free? Trial run means they want more later most likely
    3. Maybe by plains or the stadium
    4. Contact Greek life if we decide not to accept. Extend the offer to them.
  • Quinn screen success
    1. Check up on the bee situation.
  1. Women’s Center funding status
    1. Comes from residents there currently
    2. Had to lay off Hannah Woodhouse
    3. Important resource
  2. Reaching out to campus administrators for forums
  3. Safety and lighting walk, Oct 18.
  • Wage Rates on Campus
    1. Complaint Jan 16, another separate on April 15
    2. $10.10 – $11, 8 levels of pay
    3. Other businesses pay more. Cost of living is expensive.
    4. Investigative report and/or request for justification of wage rates.
    5. Possible exponential increase as work levels go up
    6. Graduate pay is much higher
    7. Work study pay cap, financial aid system. “need based”
    8. Research nearby college (Bagley), national wage rates, cost of living (Gall), compare local jobs (Wood), URI budget & why graduates are paid more (Howard).
    9. Reach out for personal testimony.


  • Plaque in Union
    1. Bagley will meet with interim president of Student Veteran Organization and will draft a bill.
  1. Safe Ride
    1. Had a complaint a while back.
    2. Possibly done through police
    3. Find more info