SOARC 9-29-2014

Meeting Start Time: 3:15pm Attendance: Amanda Rode, Brianna Montecalvo, Amanda Stikeman, Maggie Oliver, Nina Discussion: Chairwoman Rode gave a brief report about how rec was going thus far. Fitness Club, a student based organization, whose goal it is to promote general health, and entry and beginning level fitness. The meetings typically have 12 members, but […]

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SOARC 9-22-2014

Meeting Start Time: 3:15pm Attendance: Amanda Rode, Amanda Stikeman, Maggie Oliver, Nick Medley, Dan Bertel, Cody Anderson, Brianna Montecalvo Discussion: – The Kinesiology Club, is a student organization whose aim it is to create an encompassing club between Kinesiology majors, so they can talk about the different career fields that they can enter. The club […]

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SOARC 9-15-2014

Meeting Start Time: 3:15pm Attendance: Amanda Rode, Dan Bertel, Nick Medley, Amanda Stikeman, Maggie Oliver, Nina Succi, Cody Anderson, and Brianna Montecalvo Discussion: – The Student Alumni Association [SAA], a student organization that focuses on the promotion of school spirit and serves as the liaison between the Alumni Association and the student body. The group […]

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SOARC Minutes 4-28-2014

Attendance: Rode, Montecalvo, Kidd, Choi, Weinreich Absent: Bertel, Anderson, Medley (In class) Notes: 1.        Funded, Unfunded A.        Liberal distribution of funding. B.        Database of holding groups to their statements. 2.        FAQ for student groups and faculty advisors A.        1 Page sheet B.        Things that student groups are allowed to do C.        Stay away from sophisticated […]

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