Finance 9-10-2012


ATTENDANCE: Stewart, Sit, Nowinowski, Murphy, Weinreich



Men & womens hockey loans received!


IFC & Panhel- Probation- I request that we allow IFC and Panhel’s budgets to be opened, effective July 30th, 2012 under the probationary terms that they both hand in all bank statements for September according to the compact, must attend the Presidents Meeting, and must hand in all paperwork on time. Thank you.

  • I also plan on holding a meeting with IFC, Panhel & exec to discuss how we can communicate better
  • Telephones switch- to ease Lorrie’s accounting practices, we are going to switch from every group having a telephone line on their Budget to lumping it all in a line in the senate’s budget- no big change
  • Good Five Cent Cigar- deficit & stipends
  • Musicians Guild is coming next week
  • Take the Finance Handbook Quiz!
  • Finance Handbook Changes
  • Part I. E. add Unless they are Level A
  • -Part 1. G. Add section A about co-sponsorship
  • -Part II.A.3. picture ID ( URI ID, License, Passport) – Remove government issued ID
  • -Part II.B. paragraph 4 “fail to be re-recognition” and change to “ or who have failed to be re-recognized during the annual recognition process and subsequently filed as a newly recognized organization may..”
  • -Part III.C. Move Note to Fundraising section ( currently Part I.G – but look into moving this section)
  • -part III. F. Penalties- 5th bullet, either add or make a new bullet stating : Failure to attend three (3) presidents meetings without notification will result in derecognition.
  • To be continued….