Finance 9-25-17



Committee: Chairwoman King, Vice-Chair Mattern, Senator Keene, Senator Howard, Senator Strassfield , Senator Flath

Absent: Senator Vu, Senator Guerra

Non-Committee: WWOW, Fencing Club



  • Capital Improvement Grant Request from URI Fencing

URI Fencing came to Finance Committee to request a Capital Improvement Grant of the of the initial sum of $1135.61 for a new fencing box. Fencing explained that a new box was greatly needed because of the rapid influx of new members. The fencing box is critical for being able to function as a team and with twenty new members this year the new box would help cut down on downtime during practices and give the members, which now number 47 active members, greater opportunity to practice. The Club also explained that it would be cheaper for competitions to get another box because they would get $150.00 off the competition register fees if the club brought their own boxes to compete. The also explained that they would be funding 25% of the costs for the fencing box by themselves. They were asking for senate to cover 75% of the cost of the new fencing box. Vice-Chair Mattern stated that the grant amount would be around 23% of the money Senate currently has in the Capital Improvements contingency line. Chairwoman King negotiated the amount down to $1010.00 with the group picking up the rest of the $504.15 cost. Fencing Club agreed that they were happy with the amount. Chairwoman King motioned to grant URI Fencing Club $1010.00 for a new fencing box. The motion was approved (6-0-0).

  • WOWW asking for permission to get an external account for the organization.
  • WOWW came to Finance Committee to ask permission to get an external bank account. The reasons cited were for ease of collecting dues and making on the spot purchases. The group mentioned that they have not really used the Senate Accounting system at all. Chairwoman King asked the group to first use the Senate Accounting System first before asking for an external accounting. The rest of the committee agreed and the request for the external account for WOWW was denied.


  • Extra
  • None