SOARC 10-21-2013

MEETING START TIME: 04:00 PM ATTENDANCE: Akinjisola, Allamey, Anderson, Glass, Maynard, Montecalvo, Rode, Thees, Weinrich


I. Vocal Motion

  • Heather Levinson – treasurer
  • Acapella group
  • Not open to everyone
  • Competitive and selective
  • Require multiple auditions
  • Prefer musical background
  • Girls only
  • Can only be of affiliate status
  • Reason to become senate recognized – need somewhere to practice
  • Not supported by another group of faculty advisor
  • Not looking to be a competitive organization (maybe next year)
  • Town based group require auditions and prefer musical background
  • Limitation – its not open to everyone, considering the auditions – hence affiliate status
  • Currently not supported by another group
  • Decision will be postponed until the end of the meeting
  • Motion to table until next week: 3-0-0

Ski and Snowboarding

  • Competitive team
  • 10 events – 5 weekends
  • Open to everyone and anyone
  • 34 members currently
  • Previously recognized
  • Full, newly elected executive board
  • All paperwork
  • Motion: to recognize them as senate recognized, recommendation for funding in individual funding line: 6-0-0

III. Mini Baja Team

  • Open to everyone and anyone
  • Competitions in off road go cart against other teams
  • This club would be a precursor to the Capstone, which is provided by the chemical engineering department, and is only offered to five selected upperclassmen
  • This was a club in the past, but not since 2008
  • Concerns from Capstone? Support from Capstone?
  • Department has given permission to use resources
  • Department is encouraging the start of a club
  • Where is funding coming for the club?
  • Parts unused from last year will be available as a “hand-me-down”
  • Challenge à closely linked with a university department. Senate is reluctant because student tax fees shouldn’t fund anything academic departments should fund, it is only for the students
  • Engineering department pays for entrance fee and travel, but not materials – this comes directly from students or sponsors
  • Concern with overlap: club and Capstone
  • Concern with mission statement: must be updated to talk about the goals of the organization
  • Once the mission statement is revised – they will send in a model constitution to Kyle
  • Motion to table until next Monday – coming back with mission statement and to show the clear distinction between the club and Capstone

Club Tennis

  • President
  • Open to anyone who wants to play tennis recreationally and competitively
  • Gives students the opportunity to play tennis or learn how to play when they are not on the varsity team
  • Note: URI currently has 4/8 tennis courts that are not being used – this club would utilize those courts
  • Started 4-5 weeks ago
  • Meetings are on Tuesdays
  • 20 members
  • VP, treasurer, secretary
  • Did not hold proper elections
  • They must open nominations for each executive position, then close nominations after each position and let them sit on these nominations for at least a week, reopen elections at the next meeting and hold elections
  • Budget
  • Uniform
  • Transportation
  • Ball and racquets
  • = $1000
  • Must be senate recognized for two consecutive semesters before they can become a club
  • They should discuss with varsity tennis to see what they could provide – balls, racquets, etc
  • Motion: to recommend recognition with individual budget line to cover some of the required things: 6-0-0
  • They did not have proper elections
  • They must have proper elections
  • They will need to come back 11/4 with their elections minutes and newly elected officers contact information

URI Students Veterans Organization

  • Goal: make URI more veteran friendly and to make URI more sellable to veterans in the future, help veterans ease transition into college life
  • Open to everyone
  • 12 members (all undergrads, but they have associate members interested)
  • 300 student veterans on campus – so this has been a minimal turnout
  • ROTC wants nothing to do with them
  • Had 5 meetings – including elections
  • As a group, they need to set boundaries on what they can/can not handle
  • Motion: recognition as a funded organization, by recommendation funded for contingency: 6-0-0


  • Kevin – VP
  • 5 members – this was excluding executive members and inconsistent members. Therefore, they have enough members to continue as a group
  • President and treasurer must meet with Kyle to sign signature cards by Wednesday or they will not be senate recognized