SOARC 3-6-17



Committee: Sam King, Eric Wang, Jen Scotti, Austin Cordova, Romanuel Percy, Michael Bachials, Natasha Nemeth, Austin Faria, Dan Depetro, Dan Bertel

Absent:  Stephanie St. Louis, Zach Taylor





Stipend Review


  • Student Entertainment Committee
    • About the Group
      • Does both free and ticketed events for the campus.  Have big events like concerts.  Also does smaller events such as the lobster bake and movies.  The entertainment ideas are picked for by the students for the students.  The committee serves an organizational role to make the ideas happen.
      • No other group on campus fills this role.
      • Elections are held according to student senate standards.
        • Election committee for senior level positions consists only of seniors.
        • Voting privileges requires:
          • Attend 25 meetings per semester
          • Assist with ushering/load in for 3 events
          • Volunteer for 10 promotional booths per semester
        • These requirements are to prevent the vote being flooded by non-participating people.
    • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
      • Like the Vice-president.  Conduct ice-breakers at each executive board meeting (starts off meeting with something fun to do).  Organizes and conducts semester retreats (find place to go, food).  Plan a minimum of 3 retention events yearly (SNDGG, End of Year Party, Thanksgiving, Formal, group outings).  Organize and conduct semester general member appreciation events.  Organize recruitment meetings at the beginning of each semester.  Lead the election committee during the fall and spring election process.  Send acceptance and rejection letters after each election cycle.  Conduct monthly meetings with the Vice presidents from each subcommittee to brainstorm R&R activities.  Organize and coduct booth at Welcome Days.  Participate in 2 on 1 meetings with the Chairperson (Check-in meetings with the executive board, at least one per semester per person).  Prepare transition materials with the Chairperson for officer transition.  Acts as the Chairperson in their absence.  6 office hours weekly.  Tidies up office (stewardship).
      • Vote: (7-0-0)
    • Business Manager
      • Essentially the treasurer for SEC.  Financial liaison to the senate finance chair.  Oversee all financial operations.  Oversee the budget and balance for all subcommittees.  Subcommittees prepare a purchase requisition to the business manager.  Prepares budget proposal for the upcoming year.  Serve on the election committee.  Assist with load in/out at show.  Participate at promotion booths.  6 office hours weekly.
      • Training for the position is institution memory, reading the transition materials and the finance handbook.
      • The organization cannot be recognized by Student Senate without a treasurer.
      • Budget handled: $442,900
      • Vote: (9-0-0)
    • The Chairperson (President)
      • Communicates with the university.  Acts as the liaison for SEC to the university.  Deals with external responsibilities and act as the face of the committee.  Delegates the responsibilities to subcommittees.  Schedules and organizes executive board meetings.  Handles training process for new committee members.  Fill out applications for the group.  Handles the re-recognition process for the group.  Ensure that everyone is doing their job.  Holds meetings or outreach with people to help resolve problems.  8 office hours weekly.  Serve on the election committee for the fall and spring semesters.
      • Setting general policy for the organization: establish basic rules during show for what is and is not appropriate.
      • Signatory power: to be able to fill in if other people are not available to sign forms.
      • Review objective and goal sheets:  talk to people about the goals set for the semester and see how they are coming along.
      • Act as a mediator for discussion or disputes.
      • The Chairperson position is vital for the group to function.  The role of the position is to ensure that the group can function and facilitate communication within the group.
      • Voting: (9-0-0)
    • Administrative Secretary
      • Secretary for all of SEC.  Keep track of all the paperwork and attendance for the executive board.  Take minutes at executive meetings and distribute those.  Email minutes and upload them to Google drive.  Ensure that the office supplies are up to date, order supplies, ensure the office is clean.  Responsible for counting the office hours and keep a tally and email people if they are behind on their hours.  Attend two subcommittees monthly.
      • Communicates with vice-presidents for the attendance for their meetings.
      • Attend every event and takes attendance.  Communicates with the vice-presidents for every event.
      • The Administrative secretary unofficially coordinates philanthropy activities.
      • Creates a contact sheet every fall and updates them in the spring.
      • Required 74 office hours per semester.
      • Vote: (5-1-0)
    • VIP President
      • Making sure that everyone feels welcome at the committee.  Bring in impactful people for shows.  Organize events, create advertisement, get good attendance for the show.  Brings ideas from other sources to committee for opinions.  Create advertisement for both own events and events from other student organizations.  Work with committee to make shows as successful as possible.
      • Contact with advertising manager: President contacts the advertising manager to create an advertisement and ensure that it is appropriate.  The PR coordinator distributes the advertisements.
      • Committee has around 6-15 people (the committee is the smallest).  Small group means more invested members.
      • Vote: (5-0-0)
    • Advertising President
      • 6 office hours weekly.  Does flyering around campus and in providence.  Holds committees weekly.  Create advertisement and presents them to the students to increase attendance of shows.
      • Different from public relations coordinator in that this position handles the flyering whereas the public relation coordinators handles social media and communicates press releases
      • Spring-fest and Fall Frenzy are the largest responsibilities of the Advertising subcommittee.
      • If the position did not exist, outreach to students would be greatly reduced.  Attendance of shows and events would be lower.
      • Current holder of position was elected in February.
      • The previous spring semester, the position was not filled.  The executive committee decided not to fill the position as there were not any applicants with enough experience.  The responsibilities were spread out to other people in the group.  The group could not advertise as effectively as before.  The group did not have a Fall-fest the previous semester because of budget reasons, this reduced the responsibilities for the advertising committee.
        • According to the bylaws, the position must exist for 3 semesters.
      • Vote: (5-0-0)
    • Special Events President
      • 6 office hours weekly.  Runs weekly subcommittee.  Attends executive committee.  Attend advertising for upcoming events.  Attends events from load in to load out.  Conducts events such as major comedy shows, the annual lobster bake, etc.  Ensure that general members attend the shows.  Host free movie showings.  Hold other daytime distractions.  Ensure the communication occurs between the subcommittee and the overarching committee.  Coordinate group members during the shows.  Create a timeline  and checkpoints to ensure that events occur
      • The subcommittee currently has about 10 people.
      • Events are chosen by polling the general members of the Student Entertainment Committee.
      • Without the Special Events President, events such as movies, and other shows would not occur.
      • Vote: (5-0-0)
    • Hospitality Coordinator
      • 6 office hours weekly.  Attends 2 subcommittee meetings a month.  Attends all SEC sponsored events.  Take care of the artists and performers who come the university.  Buys and prepares everything that the artist requests.  Set up and clean up the dressing room.  Take care of any last requests from the performer on the day of the show.
      • Position is required to have one person to professionally interact with the artist and ensure that they are happy.
      • There is a co-coordinator for hospitality.  This person is takes care of errands for the coordinator.
      • Vote: (5-0-0)
  • The Good 5 Cent Cigar
    • Staff Photographer
      • Submit 5 photos a week.  Thursday night, after writers get assignments, get assignments depending on what stories are assigned that week.  Photos are either put in the paper, online, or archived.  Photos are probably going to be used for future stories.  Spend about 1-5 hours weekly on photos.  Goes to events, sport games, lectures.
      • Archived photos fill in for missed assignments or if the photo taken is not suitable for the article.
      • Photo editor position has the same requirements as the staff photographers. (staff photographer who volunteered for additional responsibilities).
      • Photos are to make the newspaper more attractive to the reader.
      • Conversation tabled pending evidence that the position had been staffed by 4 people for the past 3 semesters.