
A map showing the 25 locations of monitoring stations in the Gulf of Mexico.
The UGSO-1 array, consisting of 25 CPIES sites (triangles).

Shown at right is the UGSO-1 array consisting of 25 current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIES) sites (red triangles). The extent of the dynloop mapping area is designated by the dotted line. The mean position of the Loop Current is shown by the orange line. The Exclusive Economic Zones of the U.S., Mexico, and Cuba are delineated by the brown line.

CTD Data

Calibration CTD casts were taken at each site.

CTD data for both 2019 cruises is also available from the National Centers for Environmental Information:  NCEI Accession 0209160.
CTD data for the 2020 cruise is also available from the National Centers for Environmental Information:  NCEI Accession 0224258.


Subsetted, averaged Matlab format files from the Ocean Surveyor 75 kHz narrowband ADCP:

Files from the Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP at the University of Hawaii

CPIES Data from Telemetry Cruise PE20-06

CPIES Data from Telemetry Cruise PE21-05

Recovered CPIES Data (June 2019 to May 2021)

Estimates of vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and geopotential anomaly

Sea Surface Height Anomaly

Underway Data

Underway data (ADCP, CTD, flurometer, GNSS, gyrocompass, met station, transmissometer, and TSG) are available from the R2R Rolling Deck to Repository


  • Near real time, global, merged, allsat, gridded sea surface height (SSH, color contours, contour interval 0.1 m) from the Copernicus Marine Environmental Service (CMEMS), bottom topography (gray contours, contoured in 500 m intervals between 1500 and 3500 m), and UGOS-1 array sites (gray triangles) from 13 June 2019 to 3 April 2020 at daily resolution
    .avi format
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  • CPIES mapped bottom pressure (color shaded, contour interval 0.01 dbar) and currents (vectors), SSH (green lines), bottom topography (gray lines, contoured in 500 m intervals between 1500 and 3500 m), and UGOS-1 array sites (gray triangles) from 26 June to 20 September 2019 at two day resolution
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