About Us

The Editorial Board of URInformed is always on the lookout for URI employees in need of recognition by their peers…you! If you know someone that you think would make a great subject for a Page One profile in this newsletter…AND you’re willing to write the profile, let us know. Once your suggestion has been approved by The Editorial Board, we will contact the subject to ask if they agree to be featured. An article of 500-1000 words is preferred. Editorial assistance and proofreading will be provided. If you are interested in being published please let us know.

Our Editors

  • Nancy Gillespie, Editor
  • Charlene Dunn, Assistant Editor

Our Editorial Board

  • Michelle Curreri

Our Contributors

  • Laura Kenerson
  • Joy Lewis
  • Kathie McKinstry
  • Diego Jones

You! Our Readers

If you have a suggestion for an article about a co-worker or colleague, information about an event, or simply have an interest in being involved with the newsletter, you may contact us by e-mail at NGillespie@uri.edu or by snail mail at URInformed, 73 Upper College Road, Kingston, RI 02881.

Our preference is to receive information through e-mail in word format as an attachment. Short items can be submitted in printed form. Because space is limited, the editorial board reserves the right to select the material printed and to edit it to conform to space restrictions.

Please get involved! This is your newsletter and we need your support to make it work.