Publications: Sun Exposure

Rossi, J. S. (1990). Radon and ultraviolet light exposure: Emerging cancer risk factors.American Psychological Association., Boston, MA.

Rossi, J. S. and L. M. Blais (1991). The pros and cons of using sunscreen. Society of Behavioral Medicine., Washington, DC.

Rossi, J. S., L. M. Blais, et al. (1995). “Preventing skin cancer through behavior change: Implications for interventions.” Dermatologic Clinics 13: 613-622.

Rossi, J. S. (1989). “The hazards of sunlight: A report on the Consensus Development Conference on Sunlight, Ultraviolet Radiation, and the Skin.” The Health Psychologist 11(3): 4-6.

Blais, L. M. and J. S. Rossi (1992). “Evaluating the experience of a beach-site intervention for skin cancer prevention (Draft).” Qualitative Health Research Submitted for publication.

Rossi, J. S. (1989). Exploring behavioral approaches to UV risk reduction. Sunlight, Ultraviolet radiation, and the skin. A. Moshell and L. W. Blankenbaker. Bethesda, MD, National Institutes of Health91-93.

Rossi, J. S. and L. M. Blais (1992). “Readiness to reduce sun exposure to prevent skin cancer (Abstract).” International Journal of Psychology 27: 628.

Rossi, J. S., L. M. Blais, et al. (1994). “The Rhode Island Sun Smart Project: Skin cancer prevention reaches the beaches.” American Journal of Public Health 84(4): 1-3.

Blais, L. M. and J. S. Rossi (?). Precautionary sun exposure behaviors: Comparison of early adopters and non-adopters.

Rossi, J. S., C. A. Redding, et al. (1994). Sun exposure and skin cancer prevention: Measurement development. Skin Cancer Principal Investigators Meeting, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD.

Velicer, W. F., U. E. Pallonen, et al. (1998). Expertensysteme zur Tabakpravention und Rauchentwohnung im Jugendalter (Expert system interventions for smoking cessation and prevention). Programme gegen Sucht. Internationale Ansaetze zur Suchtpraevention im Jugendalter. P. Kolip. Weinheim, Germany, Juventa235-247.

Rossi, J. S. (1990). “A decisional balance model and the stages of change for sunscreen use.” .

Weinstock, M.A., & Rossi, J.S. (1998). The Rhode Island Sun Smart Project: A scientific approach to skin cancer prevention. Clinics in Dermatology, 16, 411-413.