
Research Area

List By Title

A Comparison of Four Self-report Smoking Cessation Outcome Measures

A Comparison of Pattern Matching Indices

A Conversation with James Prochaska

A Transtheoretical Approach to Changing Organizations

Acceptance of Nicotine Dependence Treatment among Currently Depressed Smokers

Activity Recognition from User-Annotated Acceleration Data

Actual Causes of Death in the United States

Addiction versus Stages of Change Models in Predicting Smoking Cessation

An automated telephone-based smoking cessation education and counseling system

An Eclectic and Integrative Approach: Transtheoretical Therapy

An empirical typoloty of subjects within stage of change

An expert system intervention for smoking cessation (Patient Education and Counseling)

An expert system intervention for smoking cessation (Addictive Behaviors)

Analysis methods for testing the interactive or additive effects of the combined interactive R01 projects addressing school students and their parents

Annals of behavioral medicine v24 2002

Application of the transtheoretical model to fruit and vegetable consumption among economically disadvantaged African-American adolescents: Preliminary findings

Applying the transtheoretical model to tobacco cessation and prevention: A review of literature

Assessing Family members’ motivational readiness and decision making for consenting to cadaveric organ donation

Assessing readiness to change substance abuse: A critical review of instruments

Assessing Stage of Change and Informed Decision Making for Internet Participation in Health Promotion and Disease Management

Attendance and outcome in a work site weight control program: Processes and stages of change as process and predictor variables

B Longitudinal Analysis

Behavioral interventions and cost effectiveness analysis

Biochemical verification of tobacco use and cessation

C. Interventions for Health Promotion

Can the Stages of change for Smoking Acquisition Be Measured Reliably in Adolescents?

Cardiovascular Arousal in Individuals With Autism

Carpenter Manual

Causation issues in structural equation modeling research

Changes in diabetes self-care behaviors make a difference in glycemic control

Choosing a Multivariate Model: Noncentrality and Goodness of Fit

Comments criteria and creating better models

Common Ground on curbing campus Drinking

Common Processes of Self-change in Smoking, Weight Control, and Psychological Distress

Comparative Fit Indexes in Structural Models

Comparing Intervention outcomes in Smokers treated for Single Versus Multiple Behavioral Risks

Comparing participants and on participants recruited for an effectiveness study of nicotine replacement therapy

Computer-tailored smoking cessation materials: A review and discussion

Counselor and stimulus control enhancement of a stage-matched expert system intervention for smokers in a managed care setting

Decisional balance measure for assessing and predicting smoking status

Demographic Variables, Smoking Variables, and Outcome across Five Studies

Demographic differences in support for smoking policy interventions

Depressed smokers and stage of change: implications for treatment interventions

Design and Analysis of Time-Series Experiments Chapter 1-2

Design and Analysis of Time-Series Experiments Chapter 3-5

Design and Analysis of Time-Series Experiments Chapter 6-8

Design and Analysis of Time-Series Experiments Chapter 9

Developing an empirical typology for regular exercise

Development and validation of stages of change measure for men in batterer treatment

Diet quality and major chronic diseases risk in men and women: moving toward improved dietary guidance

Differences in Psychosocial variables by stage of change for fruits and vegetables in older adults

Dimensions of Family Functioning

Distribution of daily smokers by stage of change: current population survey results

Distributions of smokers by stage: international comparison and association with smoking prevalence

Do processes of change predict smoking stage movements? A prospective analysis of the transtheoretical model

Dynamic factor analysis of nonstationary multivariate time series

Dynamic typology clustering within the stages of change for smoking cessation

Effects of estimation methods, number of indicators per factor, and improper solutions on structural equation modeling fit indices

Effects of exercise training on older patients with major depression

Effects of sophistication and faking sets on the eysenck personality inventory

Effects of variable and subject sampling on factor pattern recovery

Efficacy and effectiveness trials bullying

Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research

Evaluating Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Stage-Based Therapies in a Population-Based Effectiveness Trial

Evaluating a population based recruitment approach and a stage-based expert system intervention for smoking cessation

Evaluation of motivationally tailored vs. standard self-help physical activity interventions at the workplace

Exceptional returns: the economic value of America’s investment in medical research

Expertensysteme zur tabakpravention und rauchentwohnung im jugendalter

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in naturalistic settings

Focusing on Participants: Feminist process model for survey modification

Health behavior change research: a consortium approach to collaborative science

Health Behavior Change-Overview

Health Behavior Models

Health communication

Historiometry and a Historic Life

In Search of How People Change: Applications to Additive Behaviors

In Search of the structure of change

Integrating application of media effects, persuasion, and behavior change theories to communication campaigns: A stages-of-change framework

Interactive versus noninteractive interventions and dose-response relationships for stage-matched smoking cessation programs in a managed care setting

Is Health Promotion Relevant Across Cultures and the Socioeconomic Spectrum?

Is patient satisfaction at risk if we discuss smoking during clinical visits?

Is Stage-of-Change a useful measure of the likelihood of smoking cessation?

Item Format and the Structure of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory

Item Format and the Structure of the Personal Orientation Inventory

Brief mailed tailored feedback can produce long-term alcohol risk reduction: Two-year results from the PARR trial (2006 Handout format)

Latent Transition Analysis to the stages of change for smoking cessation

Latent transition analysis for longitudinal data

Mad King George: The Impact of Personal and Political Stress on Mental and Physical Health

Maximum impact practices from a transtheoretical approach

Measures self efficacy temptation processes of change

Measuring processes of change applications

Measuring support for tobacco control policy in selected areas of six countries

Minimal Interventions Appropriate for an Entire Population of Smokers

Misleading tests of health behaviors theories

Motivational readiness for change: diet, exercise, and smoking

Motivational readiness to control weight

Multiple risk expert systems interventions: impact of simultaneous stage-matched expert system interventions for smoking, high-fet diet, and sun exposure in a population of parents

Pathways to Change: A Self-Help Manual for All Smokers

Pathways To Health

Population Health Technologies: emerging innovations for the health of the public

Population treatment for addictions

Predicting increases in readiness to quit smoking: a prospective analysis using the contemplation ladder

Predicting termination and continuation status in psychotherapy using the transtheoretical model

Prediction and association for N-way classification tables

Predictors of health functioning in two high risk groups of smokers

Prevalence of overweight and obesity among US children, adolescents, and adults, 1999-2002

Preventing Skin cancer through behavior change: implications for interventions

Prochaska and DiClemente’s model of change: a case study?

Psychometric evaluation of the smoking cessation processes of change scale in an adolescent sample

Psychotherapy for addictive behavior: a stage-change approach to meaning making

Randomized Controlled Community Trial of the Efficacy of a Multicomponent Stage-Matched Intervention to Increase Sun Protection among Beachgoers

Relapse Situations and Self Efficacy: an Integrative Model

Replication of subtypes for smoking cessation within the contemplation stage of change

Replication of subtypes for smoking cessation within the precontemplation stage of change

Replication of subtypes for smoking cessation within the preparation stage of change

Research: catastrophic pathways to smoking cessation: findings from national survey


Revolutionary Change Theories: A Multilevel Exploration of the Punctuated Equilibrium Paradigm

Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women

Setting the Stage for Healthy Living: help clients adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle

Size, consistency, and stability of stage effects for smoking cessation

Smoking cessation in China Findings from the 1996 national prevalence survey

Smoking patterns of low income ethnoculturally diverse pregnant women: Are we casting the net wide enough?

Social and epidemiologic influences on population support for tobacco control policy in the United States

Stage of change

Stage of change, decisional balance and temptations for smoking measurement and validation in a large, school-based population of adolescents

Stage of regular exercise and health related quality of life

Stages and Processes of self change of smoking: toward an integrative model of change

Stages of Change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors

Stages of change and the intake of dietary fat in African American women

Stages of Change Profiles in Outpatient Alcoholism Treatment

Stages of Condom Use in a High HIV-Risk Sample

Standardized, individualized, interactive, and personalized self-help programs for smoking cessation

State specific prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults – United States, 2002

Statistical analysis of randomized trials in tobacco treatment: longitudinal designs with dichotomous outcome

Strengths and weaknesses of Health behavior change programs on the internet

Strengths of character and the family

Strong and Weak principles for progressing from precontemplation to action on the basis of twelve problem behaviors

Suppressor variables and the semipartial correlation coefficient

Survey Center Manual 2006

Systematic review of randomised control trials of multiple risk factor interventions for preventing coronary heart disease

Tailored Interventions for Motivating Smoking Cessation: using placebo tailoring to examine the influence of expectancies and personalization

Testing stage effects in an ethnically diverse sample

The Birth of the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology

The Continuing Unethical Conduct of Underpowered Clinical Trails

The Development and Initial Validation of the Smoking Policy Inventory

The Face of 2010: A Delphi Poll on the Future of Psychotherapy

The International Journal of the Addictions

The Measure of Stage of Readiness to Change: Some Psychometric Considerations

The moderator variable viewed as heterogeneous regression

The Perils of Higher Education

The Process of smoking cessation: an analysis of precomtemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change

The relation between item format and the structure of the Eysenck personality inventory

The risk of smoking in relation to engagement with a school-based smoking intervention

The scientific status of projective techniques

The study of exercise and nutrition in older Rhode Islanders (SENIOR): translating theory into research

The transtheoretical model and stages of change

The transtheoretical model of health behavior change

The virtual visit: using telecommunications technology to take care of patients

The Visual Analysis of Data, and Current Research into the Stimuli Controlling It (pages 15-26)

The Visual Analysis of Data, and Current Research into the Stimuli Controlling It (pages 27-40)

Time Series Analysis for Psychological Research

Time Series Analysis in Historiometry: A Comment on Simonton

Time Series Models of Individual Substance Abusers

Toward a comprehensive model of change

Training health professionals and lay volunteers to deliver cholesterol screening and education programs

Transtheoretical Model Intervention for Adherence to Lipid-Lowering Drugs

Understanding the adoption of arthritis self-management: stages of change profiles among arthritis patients

Use and cost effectiveness of smoking cessation services under four insurance plans in a health maintenance organization

Use of population-based data to assess risk factor profiles of blue and white collar workers

Using the Longitudinal Guttman Simplex as a Basis for Measuring Growth

Using the transtheoretical model for population-based approaches to health promotion and disease prevention

Using transtheoretical model profiles to differentiate levels of alcohol abstinence success

Validation of decisional balance and situational temptations measures for dietary fat reduction in a large school-based population of adolescents

Weight-control practices among US adults, 2001-2002

What causes cancer?

When is Invariance not Invariant: A Practical Scientist’s Look at the Ethereal Concept of Factor Invariance

Why do we behave the way we do?

Why don’t we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition 1261-1264

Why don’t we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition