Fall Cycle

Fall Application Deadline: November 1st


Faculty Research Grants

Grants are available to assist faculty and lecturers in the humanities who expect to incur specific research costs, such as costs associated with travel to archives, the purchase of technology, payment for translations, and obtaining documents for study. Research grants are awarded for amounts up to a maximum of $1,000 per year. More >>

Graduate Research Grants

Grants of up to $1,000 are available to students working toward the completion of master’s thesis and doctoral dissertations within the traditional humanities disciplines, as well as from other disciplines provided the research is clearly grounded in the humanities. More >>

Subvention Grants

A limited amount of funding is available to assist faculty in the humanities working with a scholarly press or exhibitor that requires the author to share in the cost of publication, translation or exhibition. Grants are awarded for amounts up to a maximum of $1,000 per faculty member per project. More >>

“The Winnie”

This collaborative grant, in the amount of $3000 thanks to the Provost’s generous matching fund, will be awarded towards research or teaching projects that include humanities content. Faculty and graduate students are eligible to apply. Any project should include at least one faculty member in the humanities. More>>