Lecture: “Ecology, Gender, and Nuclear Waste: The Perils of Not Knowing About Hanford, the Largest Nuclear Waste Site in the US”

Tuesday, February 18, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Center of Biology and Life Sciences, Room 010

Associate Professor Jody Lisberger’s talk explores the controversies, problems, and cover-ups at Hanford, illuminating troubling issues related to the environment, gender, nationalism, and militarization. Her research includes a 10-day trip to Hanford in June 2019 where she toured the site,  spent a day with the Yakima Nation, traveled by boat down the Columbia River, interviewed opposing parties, read documents at the Hanford History Project, and listened to hearings between the Department of Energy and the Hanford Advisory Board. This event is part of the Dana Shugar Colloquium sponsored by the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies.