The URI Center for the Humanities has a limited amount of funding available to assist ad hoc continuing lecturers and tenure-track faculty in the humanities working with a scholarly press, a peer-reviewed journal or an exhibitor that requires the author to share in the cost of translation, publication, or exhibition. Humanities Subvention Grants are awarded in amounts up to $1,000 per faculty member per project to assist with such costs as obtaining permissions, reproducing photographs, indexing books, and framing artwork. Funds can be used to retroactively reimburse subvention costs incurred within the same academic year. Emeritus and adjunct professors are not eligible.
Costs of doing research (such as travel to archives) are not included. (Research funding is available through the Center’s Faculty Research Grant program.) Preference will be given to new submissions rather than funding the same project twice. Applicants who have received funding previously from the Center who have not yet submitted a funding report are not eligible. Publications or other outcomes that result from this grant must include an acknowledgment of this grant support.
The primary criteria upon which the grants will be awarded include
- The significance of the publication to knowledge in the specific field;
- The significance of the publication to the knowledge of the humanities in general;
- The quality of the proposal, including its originality and clarity.
Not sure if your project is a humanities project? Please see our homepage for a definition of the humanities.
To Apply
Applications for Spring 2025 grants may be submitted to InfoReady starting February 11 and are due by March 17.
Please submit your application to the Center’s Director using the electronic grant application.
Your application should include
- Your project title, name, phone number, address, e-mail, and department;
- An explanation (no more than two pages) of the scope of your project, as well as its importance for furthering knowledge in your specific field and for the humanities in general;
- A detailed budget outlining how Center funds are to be spent. If subvention expenses exceed the amount the Center will provide, please explain where else you are seeking funding or how you will cover these expenses.
- A copy of your contract, or other evidence that your work is scheduled for publication or exhibition.
Proposals that do not include all requested information will not be funded.
Please keep in mind that applications are read by faculty across several disciplines who may not be familiar with jargon specific to your particular field of research. For more guidance, please see a checklist review compiled by board members of the Center for Humanities, as well as an example criteria rubric.
For additional information, you may email the Director at
Other Requirements
Award recipients will be expected to acknowledge the Center’s assistance in any publications or exhibitions that result from the research. They will also be required to provide a final report to the Director. Recipients will be expected to adhere to applicable URI travel and purchase policies.