TIP TUESDAY – How to Complete A BRR

A Budget Revision Request (BRR) is a form used to request changes to the budget of a sponsored project. It requires an explanation, a signature, and certification from the Principal Investigator (PI) or designee that the request does not involve criteria that necessitate prior written approval from the agency. The revised costs should not be incurred or recorded until the BRR has been reviewed, approved, and processed by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) Post Award Specialist. You can find your specialist at this link https://web.uri.edu/research-admin/central-post-award-college-area-contact/

When completing a BRR, please provide a concise yet detailed explanation of why funds are available in the “FROM” categories and why funds are needed in the “TO” categories. Simply stating that funds are being moved from budget category ‘A’ to budget category ‘B’ is not sufficient. If this is not addressed adequately, we will need to return the BRR to you for correction. 

For more information please visit our website: https://web.uri.edu/research-admin/manage-your-grant-award-central-post-award/post-award-policies/