
student working on sculpture

The sculpture program works hard to guide students through the many possibilities the medium can offer. We believe that sculpture is truly a meta-medium—one that spans the conceptual to the material. What are now independent disciplines, at one time were nurtured and developed from infancy by artists who thought of themselves as sculptors. The sculptural field is expansive accepting emerging techniques, new materials, hybrid methodologies and cross-boundary activity. We encourage our students to explore it all.

Our Goals

  • Establish a strong foundation that is structured, instills self-discipline, and introduces a variety of techniques that are based in traditional sculptural media and emerging techniques.
  • Establish a studio space that is a sanctuary for experimentation and interdisciplinary art making; a place where hybrid processes and cross-boundary activity have a forum.
  • Nurture a curriculum that will enable students to begin to identify personal interests, become increasingly self-directed and build an independent practice of art making in a complex visual culture.

Our Facilities

Our sculpture lab has been thoughtfully assembled. A broad range of tools and equipment have been added, subtracted, and upgraded in a dynamic search for exciting ways to explore space and materials. A student is able to learn skill sets in a number of areas related to the field of sculpture. Some of the tools currently available to students include:

  • Three-dimensional printer and scanner
  • Ceramic kiln
  • Dedicated plaster/clay room
  • Lamp glass station
  • Gas, MIG and TIG welding
  • Plasma cutter
  • Forge
  • Woodworking shop