Iqra Ishaq

Majors: Criminology & Criminal Justice, Philosophy 

Minor: Human Rights

Hometown: Islamabad, Pakistan

What makes the College of Arts and Sciences at URI unique and special?

The College of A&S does not limit its students in what they do, what fields they can pursue, and what people they can interact with. I think a major strength of the college is the diversity of its faculty and study body, and the ease of access students have to their faculty.

What accomplishments and/or activities are you most proud of while at URI?

I co-founded a student chapter of Amnesty International, a human rights organization, through which I was able to increase awareness about human rights at my campus. I was also selected as an Arts and Science Research Fellow in 2018, which allowed me to conduct qualitative research with my mentor, and I decided to continue working on this project for more than a year.

What, if any, research projects did you participate in at URI?

I worked as a Research Assistant with Dr. Megan Parry [in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice] for more than one year, performing content-analysis of children’s movies and looking at depictions of the criminal justice system. My Honors Project grew out of this research. I also did quantitative research with Dr. Barbara Costello [in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology] on delinquency, peer pressure, and peer conformity among college students.