Holly Shaw

Majors: English and Health Services Administration

Hometown: Coventry, RI

What makes the College of Arts and Sciences at URI unique?

The College of Arts and Sciences encompasses a wide range of majors and areas of interest. As an English major, my primary focus in the College of Arts and Sciences was, of course, English classes. I have been blown away by the professionalism and genuine passion that drives the faculty members. I have grown close with many professors and they played a major role in my success and achievements. Every time I walk into an English classroom, I feel like I am home. I have connected with many of my classmates, shared similar interests, discussed areas of disagreement, and have grown tremendously due to the support I have received under the College of Arts and Sciences.

Who or what influenced your time at URI the most? How or why?

While I made connections with almost all of my professors, some of them really increased my confidence, improved my skills, and challenged and inspired me. Travis Williams [in the Department of English] challenged my ability to analyze, interpret, and edit. Mary Cappello [in the Department of English] encouraged my creativity, inspired me with unique prompts, and taught me to be proud of my work–regardless of my received grade. Jean Walton [in the Department of English] inspired a newfound love of war novels written by women, immensely helped in the advising process, and asked perplexing questions in class that urged me to read, re-read, and read again. All three are extremely memorable faculty members and I am an improved person having been a student in their classrooms. 

What do you value about your liberal arts education?

I value the confidence in myself that my classes and professors provoked within me. I also highly appreciate the diverse exposure to different people, cultures, perspectives, opinions, and content that I received throughout my time at URI, as it has opened my eyes to the world and expanded my own understanding of society, literature, and people.