Keith J.G. McCurdy

Majors: Classics and English
Minor: Medieval Studies
Hometown: Providence, RI 

What makes the College of Arts and Sciences at URI unique?
I think there is a breadth of disciplines in which students can tailor their interests and needs creatively and individually. The faculty is very professional, experienced, and genuinely interested in the students’ needs. There is an encouraging attitude that fosters success in learning.

What accomplishments and activities are you most proud of doing while at URI?
I am proud of my achievements in the Classical languages dept. under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Carpenter. I am also very proud of the artistic growth which my studies have afforded. In addition, I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to be a T.A in Latin and Ancient Greek as well as organizing tutoring sessions for Ancient Greek and Latin students.

What research projects, internships, and/or study abroad programs did you participate in at URI? How did they enhance your education?
This year I began my work in a creative project in which I have written and produced original musical compositions accompanied by original lyrics written in Ancient Greek and Classical Latin. This will be released this Spring 2020 semester. I have been a musician and songwriter most of my life and this project has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling artistic challenges that I have ever done.  

What do you value about your liberal arts education?
I have a humanities education for the sake of it rather than whatever dubious utility that is implied with a college education. I think it is important for its own end and that what we do in the humanities should never be taken for granted. It is my belief that this type of education is part of what gives meaning to our existence.