Mark Semco

Majors: Applied Mathematics and Physics
Hometown: Jamestown, RI

Q. What makes the College of Arts and Sciences at URI unique?

In my experience, the Physics and Math Departments are filled with high quality teachers willing to help you as an individual in very personal and effective way.

What accomplishments and/or activities at URI are you most proud of now?

I am most proud of the strong and welcoming community we have been able to foster in the areas like the Physics Department.

What research projects, internships, experiential learning, and/or study abroad programs did you participate in at URI? How did they enhance your education?

Starting early in my undergraduate career I was afforded the opportunity to obtain an undergraduate research position with Professor Michael Antosh and become involved and trained in real physics research. Being able start this early gave me long running experience in what it means to move into a research position in science and furthermore supported my post undergraduate pursuits with an impressive experience pool for my resume.

Read more about the research conducted with Professor Antosh here.

What do you value about your liberal arts education?

I appreciate the wide range of exposure I was afforded by the College of Arts and Sciences and the incredible scope of focuses available to pursue.