Joseph Essig ’19

Political Science and English

Fellowship Location

Research Project
Joseph studied factors that can explain people’s behavior toward affordable housing policies and ballot questions. He wrote a research paper using data from a national survey and an exit poll from Rhode Island’s 2016 election seeking to fill a gap in existing literature on this topic. He is using the paper as his writing sample for Ph.D. applications, and he has plans to present it at the 49th Urban Affairs Association Conference in Los Angeles in April 2019.

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz, Associate Professor in Political Science and Director of the Social Science Institute for Research, Education, and Policy

“My mentor has been a great help to me, not only in giving me this great opportunity to get an idea of real political science research before grad school, but also in guiding my questions and teaching me how to use different techniques, while still allowing me independence.”