Samantha Murphy ’22



Project title
“Complex Crises, Public Health Disasters, and Social Reproduction” 

Project description
Samantha studied how public health disasters are similar to and different from other disasters; how health disasters interact with other crises and social inequalities; and how these have gendered impacts. She then produced an annotated bibliography.

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Smita Ramnarain, Department of Economics

“This fellowship was an incredibly rewarding experience. This was my first time doing research, and I learned a lot about how to effectively find relevant sources, how to properly read through academic articles, and so forth. Additionally, learning about disasters, pandemics, and their social and gendered impacts was not only enjoyable, but has given me new and valuable perspectives on how the world around me works. I really enjoyed working with my mentor Professor Ramnarain, and I am overall very grateful for the experience, as I am confident that the skills I have learned will help me to succeed in my future studies beyond the undergraduate level!”