The College of Arts and Sciences Peer Mentoring Program is for all incoming first year students. Through our collaboration with the Mentor Collective, you can sign up to be matched with a peer mentor. Your peer mentor is there to help you onboard to URI and the College of Arts and Sciences, answer questions you have, direct you to campus resources, and connect you to campus events and programming. Join the A&S mentoring program to support your path to success in your first year!
How it Works
Students will be matched with a peer mentor based on common interests, background, academics, and professional aspirations. To get started, students and mentors register and complete an online survey to paint a holistic picture of their interests and experiences.
Why seek a mentor?
College isn’t always a one size fits all experience, especially in the beginning. Research has shown that student engagement can make all the difference. Matching with a peer mentor who shares similar interests and goals can help you ease into this next chapter both academically and socially. Your mentor can help with anything whether it be finding the right academic track, to introducing you to student organizations of interest, to where to do you laundry. The first year of college can be a huge transition. Peer mentors are here to help!
Why be a mentor?
Reflecting on your freshman year, do you wish you had someone to guide you through the ups and downs of college life? Now is your chance to give back by becoming a peer mentor! You will be in a unique position to grow as a leader and provide insight for academic and social goals as your mentee embarks on this exciting new chapter. When you become an Arts and Sciences mentor, you have the opportunity to build marketable skills, earn a LinkedIn mentor certification for your resume, and receive full support from faculty and administrators.
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Contact Us
Chafee Social Science Center
Deans Office – Suite 260
Student Academic Services – Suite 257
142 Flagg Road
Kingston, RI 02881
p: 401.874.4104
f: 401.874.2892
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm