Course design is personal, multi-faceted, and iterative. Sometimes we may be starting from scratch or looking to refresh a course we have taught for years. Consider some of the following questions to spark your ideas:
- What are the fundamental knowledge items, skills, attitudes and values that learners will develop in my course?
- How do I know whether my learners have progressed toward these goals, and how well they have met these outcomes by the end of the course?
- What experiences, materials and activities will help my learners get there and how will they authentically, holistically, and actively engage with them?
- How will they regularly practice, receive and integrate feedback, and develop awareness via their own self-assessment?
- How can I make this process as transparent as possible for my students?
- How might I include their voices, perspectives, and goals in shaping their experiences in my courses?
- How will this empower them to find purpose in growth, belong, and own their learning journey throughout their experience at URI?
The resources below include guides to support your course design process and introductions to several effective approaches to course design.
ATL staff are also available for consultations about your course design.