Meet with a Career Education Specialist

Career Education Specialists (CES) are available to meet with you all year long, both in-person and virtually!

Career Education Specialist

Drop-In Career Advising

Available Fall and Spring semesters
Career Advising Drop-ins are in-person 15-minute individual meetings with one of our Career Peer Advisors. Drop-ins are first come, first served – no appointment required. Just show up!  

During the academic year (except Holidays and Career Fair days)

Tu 12-3pm | Roosevelt Hall, first floor, south side
W 12-3pm | Roosevelt Hall, first floor, south side
Th 12-3pm | Roosevelt Hall, first floor, south side
*Check in at the CCEE reception desk when you arrive

Scheduled Appointments

Available year round  
Schedule an appointment with your Career Education Specialist via Starfish and select your preferred meeting type: Roosevelt Hall Career CenterVirtual, or Phone.        

We offer 2 types of scheduled appointments:

15 or 20 minute Quick Questions | Best for: Quick feedback, ITR Internship Program questions, Follow-ups to previous appointments

30 minute Appointments | Best for: Exploring Career Paths, Mock interviews, Document reviews (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, personal statements)

Appointment Flexibility

We are committed to your success and understand that you might be balancing a variety of commitments. Appointment schedules vary by Career Education Specialist (CES). If your CES doesn’t offer appointments when you’re available, please email them to request an alternate time.   

contact your ces

24-7 Online Resources

Want to get started working on your career development right now? There are so many resources available to you on the CCEE website:        

  • Student Career page | This is the main page for all our many career resources and offerings!
  • Professional Development Modules | Educate yourself on a variety of popular career and professional development topics
  • Handshake | Search for jobs, internships, and other opportunities
  • Career Events | Explore and plan for upcoming career events
  • CCEE YouTube Channel | Watch career and service related advice videos from CCEE staff, URI alumni, and other professionals

Upcoming Career & Experiential Events

For more information and resources on events, please visit our Events page.