Legal & Risk Management

To help ensure accurate tracking of URI Experiential Learning offerings and adherence to University and federal policies, connect with the CCEE (Sarah Miller) or your College/Department Experiential Office or Coordinator when you add or are considering adding an experiential component to a course.

Affiliation Agreements & MOUs

When engaging with industry and community partners through experiential education, agreements and memorandums of understanding (MOU) are often entered into to support and outline the terms of the engagement. The URI Office of the General Counsel (OGC) is responsible for the coordination and management of all legal issues affecting the University including agreements and MOU’s.

  • If you receive an agreement for a student internship or field experience site that requires a signature from URI, do not sign.
  • Review the OGC website including the Contract Review Protocol.
  • An agreement or contract signed by an unauthorized individual will not be considered binding on the University of Rhode Island. It will be considered to be a personal agreement or contract binding on the person who signed it.
  • CCEE, in partnership with URI OGC, has created an individual student intern agreement template that can be used when individual agreements are needed.
  • Please contact URI General Counsel at 874-4486 or with questions regarding agreements and contracts.

Insurance & Risk Management

URI Office of Risk Control and Management has complied all the necessary forms and procedures needed to ensure the safety and protection of the University community. Please take time to review this site and make inquiries when necessary.
Important forms and processes to consider:

URI Experiential Education Network Contacts

Who should I contact if I have questions specific to my major or college? Not sure where to start? Feel free to reach out to Sarah Miller.

College of BusinessLynne FinneganExperiential Education Coordinator

College of EngineeringLauren CreamerCoordinator, Career Services & Employer Relations

College of Health SciencesKristin Fratoni Souza
Courtney Mackey Wilbur
Experiential Education Liaison
Kinesiology Internships & Experiential Education Coordinator
College of NursingAmy Creed
Donna Donilon
Experiential Education Coordinator
Clinical Programs Coordinator
College of PharmacyBrett Feret
Clinical Professor, Director of Experiential Education
College of the Environment and Life SciencesSarah PuckettUndergraduate Research and Experiential Learning Coordinator

International Center - URI GlobalThomas Hospod

Michelle Carrara
Assistant Director, Internationalization Initiatives, Administration & Agreements
Assistant Director, URI Programs Abroad, Faculty-Led Programs, & On-Campus Capacity Building
Office of Civic Engagement & ActionAlicia Vignali-HenryCommunity Engagement Coordinator
Office of Teacher Education, School of EducationBetsy PalazzettiCoordinator, Field Placements
UCAS Center for Career & Experiential EducationSarah MillerAssistant Director, Experiential Education
URI Cooperative ExtensionKaylyn Keene
Sejal Lanterman
Energy Fellows Program Coordinator
RI Agriculture and Food Systems Fellows Program Coordinator

URI Graduate SchoolCara MitnickAssociate Director of Professional and Community Development