Internship Courses
Internships create opportunities for students to integrate knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Interns gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields (NACE).
To learn more about the courses listed below visit the URI Course Catalog or through e-campus.
Internship Coded Courses
Subject | Catalog | Course Title | Gen Ed |
AAF | 477 | Internship in Africana Studies | |
ACC (BUS) | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
AFS | 399 | Aquaculture and Fisheries Internship | |
AFS | 597 | Internship in Fisheries and Aquaculture | |
APG | 477 | Internship | |
ART | 477 | Art & Art History Internship | |
AVS | 398 | Practicum in Zoo and Aquarium Animal Science | |
AVS | 399 | Animal Science Internship | |
BAI | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
BAI | 494 | No Credit Internship | |
BES | 593 | Internship In Science Writing | |
BPS | 460 | Pharmaceutical Science Internship/Field Experience | |
BTC (MLS) | 199 | Biotechnology Manufacturing Internship | |
BUS | 392 | Professional Business Internship I | |
CHM | 477 | Internship in Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry | |
CMB | 499 | Biotechnology Internship | |
COM | 472 | Internship in Communication Studies | |
COM | 477 | Internship in Communication Studies | |
CPL | 397 | Field Work in Community Planning | |
CSC | 477 | Computer Science Internship | |
CSF | 590 | Cyber Security Internship | |
DSP | 477 | Data Science Internship | |
EDC | 306 | Education Policy and Public Service Internship-MTI@URI | A2, C1 |
EDC | 483 | Youth Health and Physical Activity Internship | |
EDC | 577 | Master's Internship in Student Affairs | |
EDC | 578 | Master's Internship in Student Affairs | |
EDS | 518 | Supervised Internship | |
EEC | 497 | Internship in Environmental Economics | |
ENG | 477 | Internship in English | |
EVS | 597 | Professional Internship in Environmental Science and Management | |
EVS | 618 | Internship in Coastal Management | |
FIN | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
FLM | 477 | Internship in Film Media | |
FRN | 315 | French Internship Abroad | |
FRN | 316 | French Internship Abroad | |
GEO | 397 | Geoscience Internship | |
GWS | 300 | Field Experience In Women's Studies | |
HDF | 311 | Early Field Experience with Adolescents | |
HDF | 417 | Internship for Leadership Minors | |
HDF | 480 | Senior Field Experiences in Community Agencies | C1, D1 |
HDF | 553 | Higher Education Practicum | |
HDF | 583 | Master's Internship | |
HDF | 584 | Master's Internship | |
HIS | 477 | History Internship | |
HIS | 577 | Graduate History Internship | |
HPR | 301 | Honors Tutorial Topic: Administrative Internship | |
HPR | 302 | Honors Tutorial Topic: Administrative Internship | |
HSA | 480 | Advanced Practicum In Health Services Administration | |
INE | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
ITR | 301 | Field Experience I | |
ITR | 302 | Field Experience II | |
JOR | 477 | Journalism Internship | |
KIN | 484 | Supervised Field Work | |
KIN | 592 | Internship in Physical Education and Exercise Science | |
LAR | 477 | Landscape Architecture Internship | |
LHR | 581 | Internship: Labor Relations and Human Resources | |
LSC | 520 | School Library Media Services | |
LSC | 595 | Apply and Reflect: Professional Field Experience | |
MAC | 520 | Internship in Accounting | |
MAF | 490 | Field Experiencein Marine Affairs | |
MBA | 593 | Internship In Business Administration | |
MBA | 594 | Internship In Business Administration | |
MGT | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
MIC | 499 | Biotechnology Internship | |
MKT | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
MSL | 300 | Leadership Training Internship | |
MUS | 477 | Music Internship | |
MUS | 491 | Clinical Internship | |
NEU | 510 | Experiential Neuroscience | |
NFS | 580 | Experiential Learning in Nutrition and Food Sciences | |
NFS | 581 | Internship in General Medical Nutrition Therapy | |
NFS | 583 | Internship in Food Service Management | |
NFS | 584 | Internship in Community Nutrition | |
NRS | 309 | Wildlife Management Techniques Laboratory | |
NRS | 397 | Natural Resources Internship | |
NRS | 487 | International Development Internship | |
NRS | 497 | Natural Resources Cooperative Internship | |
PHL | 477 | Field Experience in Philosophy | |
PHY | 577 | Quantum Computing Internship | |
PLS | 399 | Plant Sciences Internship | |
PRS | 477 | Public Relations Internship | |
PSC | 306 | Education Policy and Public Service Internship-MTI@URI | |
PSC | 375 | Field Experience In Practical Politics | |
PSC | 376 | Field Experience In Practical Politics | |
PSC | 551 | Internship in International Relations | |
PSC | 590 | Internship in Public Administration | |
PSY | 305 | Field Experience In Psychology | |
PSY | 473 | Practicum In Behavioral Psychology | |
PSY | 698 | Internship in Professional Psychology | |
SCA | 493 | Internship In Business Administration | |
SCM | 477 | Harrington Field Experience | |
SMC | 477 | Sports Media Communication Internship | |
SOC | 477 | Field Experience in Sociology | |
SPA | 316 | Spanish Internship Abroad | |
SPA | 317 | Spanish Internship Abroad | |
THE | 477 | Professional Internship | |
TMD | 461 | Internship | |
TMD | 462 | Internship | |
TMD | 530 | Graduate Internship | |
URB | 392 | Field Experience in Urban Studies | |
WRT | 385 | Field Experience with Writing Rhode Island | |
WRT | 477 | Internship in Writing and Rhetoric |
Additional URI Resources & Links
URI Experiential Education Network Contacts
Who should I contact if I have questions specific to my major or college? Students – please reach out to your faculty member or college/major program coordinator. Faculty/Staff and Employers – please see the list of contact below. Not sure where to start? Feel free to reach out to Sarah Miller.
College/Department | Name | Title |
College of Business | Lynne Finnegan Kathleen Jackson | Experiential Education Coordinator Career Advisor |
College of Engineering | Lauren Creamer | Coordinator, Career Services & Employer Relations |
College of Health Sciences | Kristin Fratoni Souza Courtney Mackey Wilbur | Employer Relations Specialist Kinesiology Internships & Experiential Education Coordinator |
College of Nursing | Amy Creed Donna Donilon | Experiential Education Coordinator Clinical Programs Coordinator |
College of Pharmacy | Brett Feret | Clinical Professor, Director of Experiential Education |
College of the Environment and Life Sciences | Sarah Puckett | Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning Coordinator |
International Center - URI Global | Thomas Hospod Michelle Carrara | Assistant Director, Internationalization Initiatives, Administration & Agreements Assistant Director, URI Programs Abroad, Faculty-Led Programs, & On-Campus Capacity Building |
Office of Civic Engagement & Action | Alicia Vignali-Henry | Community Engagement Coordinator |
Office of Teacher Education, School of Education | Betsy Palazzetti | Coordinator, Field Placements |
UCAS Center for Career & Experiential Education | Meredith Armstrong Sarah Miller | Director Assistant Director, Career Success (Data & Technology) |
URI Cooperative Extension | Sejal Lanterman | RI Agriculture and Food Systems Fellows Program Coordinator |
URI Graduate School | Cara Mitnick | Associate Director of Professional and Community Development |