Refereed Journal Articles (Lab member in bold)
In Preparation
- Chang, C.-W. et al. The scaling effects in modeling mangrove resistance to water waves: the comparisons of prototype- and model-scale experiments. (in preparation)
- Tsai, Y.-L., Chang, C.-W., and Mori, N. Numerical modeling of wave propagation and hydrodynamics through mangrove zones. (in preparation)
- Mori, N., Chang, C.-W. et al., 2025. Field experiment study to assess critical wave conditions leading to failure of mangrove Rhizophora stylosa. Coastal Engineering. (in press)
- Wang, S. and Chang, C.-W., 2025. SPH simulations to investigate the influence of realistic mangroves in reducing breaking wave forces on coastal structures. Ocean Engineering, 316, 120014.
- Chang, C.-W., Mori, N., Tsuruta, N., Suzuki, K. and Yanagisawa, H., 2022. An experimental study of mangrove-induced resistance on water waves considering the impacts of typical Rhizophora roots. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018653.
- Mori, N., Chang, C.-W. et al., 2022. Parameterization of mangrove root structure of Rhizophora stylosa in coastal hydrodynamic model. Frontiers in Built Environment, 7: 782219.
- Hu, J., Mei, C.C., Chang, C.-W. and Liu, Philip L.-F., 2021. Effect of flexible coastal vegetation on waves in water of intermediate depth. Coastal Engineering, 168: 103937.
- Chang, C.-W. and Mori, N., 2021. Green infrastructure for the reduction of coastal disasters: A review of the protective role of coastal forests against tsunami, storm surge, and wind waves. Coastal Engineering Journal, 63: 370-385.
- Chang, C.-W. and Mori, N., 2020. Application of Boussinesq modeling on water waves through mangroves. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B2 (Coastal Engineering), 76(2): I_49-I_54
- Fukui, N., Mori, N., Chang, C.-W., Chida, Y., Yasuda, T. and Yamamoto, T., 2020. Experimental study of tsunami and storm surge inundation using coastal city model. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B2 (Coastal Engineering), 76(2): I_373-I_378.
- Chang, C.-W. and Mori, N., 2019. Engineering functional evaluation of mangrove forests for coastal disaster reduction, Hydrolink, IAHR, No.4, 110-113. (Invited article)
- Chang, C.-W., Mori, N., Tsuruta, N. and Suzuki, K., 2019. Estimation of wave force coefficients on mangrove models, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B2 (Coastal Engineering), 75(2): I_1105-I_1110.
- Chang, C.-W. and Liu, Philip L.-F., 2019. Long waves dissipation and harmonic generation by coastal vegetation, Applied Ocean Research, 82: 210-224.
- Chang, C.-W., Liu, Philip L.-F., Mei, C.C., Maza, M., 2017. Periodic water waves through a heterogeneous coastal forest of arbitrary shape, Coastal Engineering, 122: 141-157.
- Chang, C.-W., Liu, Philip L.-F., Mei, C.C., Maza, M., 2017. Modeling transient long waves propagating through a heterogeneous coastal forest of arbitrary shape, Coastal Engineering, 122: 124-140.
- Liu, Philip L.-F., Chang, C.-W., Mei, C.C., Lomonaco, P., Martin, F.L. and Maza, M., 2015. Periodic water waves through an aquatic forest, Coastal Engineering, 96:100-117.