Alcohol: Decisional Balance – Alcohol & Drug Use

How important to you at the present time is each of the following statements. Please rate your level of importance on the following 5 point scale from not important at all (1) to extremely important (5). Your rating should reflect how important each statement is in your decision whether to drink or use drugs at the present time.

If you have not used any drug except alcohol, fill in the column on the right only. If you have used both alcohol and drugs, rate the statements for their importance to your drinking in the column on the right and for your drug use in the column on the left. Please answer every question.

1 = Not Important
2 = Slightly Important
3 = Moderately Important
4 = Very Important
5 = Extremely Important

How Important To You In Making A Decision About Drug Use How Important To You In Making A Decision About Drinking
 Drinking or taking drugs relaxes me 
 Drinking or using drugs is bad for my health 
 I am more pleasant to be around when I’m drinking or taking drugs 
 My drinking or drug use causes problems with others, 
 I like myself better when I am drinking 
 I’m foolish to ignore the warnings about the problems caused by alcohol or drugs 
 Being able to hold your liquor is a tradition in my family 
 Because I continue to drink or use drugs, some people think I lack the character to quit 
 Drinking or using drugs helps me deal with problems 
 I often wake up feeling “hungover” or sick 
 If I try to stop drinking or using drugs I’ll probably be irritable and a pain to be around 
 People close to me would suffer if I become ill from drinking or using drugs 
 By continuing to drink or use drugs I feel I am making my own decisions 
 Having to lie to others about my drinking or drug use bothers me 
 I would lose my friends if I stopped drinking or using drugs 
 Some people try to avoid me when I drink or use drugs 
 ,Drinking or using drugs helps me tohave fun and socialize 
 Drinking or drug use interferes with my functioning at home and/or at work 
 When I drink or use drugs I get less angry and less frustrated with others 
 I seem to argue and fight more if I’m drinking or using drugs 
 Drinking or using drugs makes me more of a fun person 
 I feel like I’m a slave to alcohol or drugs 
 I feel like one of the gang if I drink or use drugs along with everybody else 
 Some people close to me are disappointed in me because of my drinking or drug habit 
 Drinking or using drugs helps me to loosen up and express myself 
 I seem to get myself into trouble when drinking or using drugs 
 Things seem to go better at home and at work when I’m drinking or using drugs 
 I could accidentally hurt someone because of my drinking or drug use 
 I feel I am in control of my drinking or drug habit 
 I’m embarrassed that I drink or use drugs too much 
 Not drinking or not using drugs at a social gathering would make me feel too different 
 I am losing the trust and respect of my co-workers and/or spouse because of my drinking or drug use 
 My drinking or drug use helps give me energy and keep going 
 My drinking or drug use could kill me 
 I am more sure of myself when I am drinking or using drugs 
 I am setting a bad example for others with my drinking or drug use 
 Without alcohol or drugs my life would be boring and dull 
 My drinking or drug use makes me feel out of control
 People seem to like me better when I am drinking or using drugs 
 My drinking or drug use could land me in trouble with law 
 My drinking or drug use makes other problems seem less important or problematic 
 I cannot imagine someone being happy without the use of alcohol or drugs 


Pro Subscales
Utility To Self#1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 37
Utility To Others#3, 11, 19, 27
Self-Approval#5, 13, 21, 29, 35
Others Approval#7, 15, 23, 31, 39
Special Items

#41, 42
Con Subscales
Utility To Self#2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 38
Utility To Others#4, 12, 20, 28

Self-Approval#6, 14, 22, 30, 36
Others Approval#8, 16, 24, 32, 40