Cocaine: Decision Balance

PROS AND CONS: The following statements represent different opinions about cocaine. Please rate HOW IMPORTANT each statement is to you in deciding whether or not to use cocaine according to the following 5 point scale with 5 = Extremely important and 1 = Not important.

5 = Not Important
4 = A little bit important
3 = Somewhat important
2 = Quite important
1 = Extremely Important

1.I feel better about myself while using cocaine. 
2.Cocaine makes me feel more confident and sociable. 
3.I am more fun to be with when I use cocaine. 
4.My cocaine use has led me to act irresponsibly. 
5.I feel more confident when I use cocaine. 
6.When using cocaine I fail to keep up with bills. 
7.Cocaine helps me relieve tension. 
8.As I became more involved with cocaine, I pulled away from people I was once close to. 
9.When using cocaine, I borrow money which I fail to pay back. 
10.Cocaine gives me that extra boost of energy. 
11.Buying cocaine has contributed to my experiencing some financial strain. 
12.I experience sleep problems when I use cocaine. 


Pros1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 (Alpha = .86)
Cons4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 (Alpha = .87)


Prochaska, J. O., W. F. Velicer, et al. (1994). “Stages of change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors.” Health Psychology 13: 39-46.