Publications: Alcohol

Baer, J. S., G. A. Marlatt, et al. (1992). “An experimental test of three methods of alcohol risk reduction with young adults.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60: 974-979.

Beattie, M. C., R. Longabaugh, et al. (1992). “Assessment of alcohol-related workplace activities: Development and testing of “your workplace”.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53: 469-475.

Beattie, M. C., R. Longabaugh, et al. (1993). “Effect of the social environment on alcohol involvement and subjective well-being prior to alcoholism treatment.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 54: 283-296.

Berkowitz, A. D. and H. W. Prkins (1986). “Problem drinking among college students.”American Journal of College Health 35: 21-28.

Braucht, G. N. and B. Braucht (1984). Prevention of problem drinking among youth: Evaluation of educational strategies. Prevention of Alcohol Abuse. P. M. Miller and T. D. Nirenburg. New York, Plenum Press253-280.

Davidson, R., S. Rollnick, et al. (1991). Counselling Problems Drinkers. London & NY, Tavistock/Rootledge.

DiClemente, C. and S. Hughes (1990). “Stages of change profiles in outpatient alcoholism treatment.” Journal of Substance Abuse 2: 217-235.

DiClemente, C. C., J. P. Carbonari, et al. (1996). Alternate short forms of a process of change scale for alcoholic treatment. International Congress on Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.

Engs, R. C. and D. J. Hanson (1988). “University students’ drinking patterns and problems: Examining the effects of raising the purchase age.” Public Health Report 103: 117-159.

Gilksman, L. (1988). “Consequences of alcohol use: Behavior changes and problems during the first year of university.” International Journal of the Addictions 23: 1281-1295.

Goodstadt, M. S. (1986). “Alcohol education, research and practice: A logical analysis of two realities.” Journal of Drug Education 16: 349-365.

Hanson, D. J. and R. C. Engs (1992). “College students drinking problems: A national study.”Psychological Reports 71: 39-42.

Harwood, H. J., D. M. Napolitano, et al. (1984). Economic costs to society of alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness: 1980. Research Triangle Park, NC, Research Triangle Institute.

Johnson, J. D., P. M. O’Malley, et al. (1992). Smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use among American secondary school students, college students, and young adults, 1975-1991 (Vol. 2). Washington, D.C., National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Kraft, D. P. (1984). A comprehensive prevention program for college students. Prevention of Alcohol Abuse. P. M. Miller and T. D. Nirenburg. New York, Plenum Press327-370.

Laforge, R. G., G. D. Williams, et al. (1989). “Alcoholic beverage type, recall period effects and functional disability: evidence from the 1983 NHIS.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 25: 257-272.

Laforge, R., G. D. Williams, et al. (1990). “Alcohol consumption, gender and self-reported hypertension.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 26: 235-249.

Laforge, R. G. and S. I. Mignon (1993). “Alcohol use and alcohol problems among the elderly.”Rhode Island Medicine 76: 21-26.

Laforge, R. G., T. D. Nirenberg, et al. (1993). “Problem drinking, gender and stressful life events among hospitalized elderly drinkers.” Behavior, Health, and Aging 3(3): 129-138.

Laforge, R. G., J. E. Maddock, et al. (1998). Comparison of five stage methods for alcohol abuse among college students. Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

Laforge, R. G., J. P. Migneault, et al. (in press). “Intention to change high risk drinking practices.” Paper submitted to the annual conference of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.

Maddock, J. E., R. G. LaForge, et al. (1997). “Development of a short psychometrically reliable alcohol problem index for college students.” Unpublished manuscript.

Maddock, J. E., R. G. Laforge, et al. (1998). “Replication and refinement of the college alcohol problem scale (CAPS).” Journal of Substance Abuse Under Review.

Maddock, J. E., R. G. Laforge, et al. (1998). “Short forms of a situational temptation scale for heavy, episodic drinking.” Journal of Substance Abuse Under Review.

Meilman, P. W., J. E. Stone, et al. (1990). “Alcohol consumption by college undergraduates: Current use and ten year trends.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 51: 389-395.

Migneault, J. P. (1992). A validation study of stages of change for risky drinking. Kingston, RI, University of Rhode Island.

Migneault, J. P., U. Pallonen, et al. (1993). “Decisional balance and stages of change for vocational high school students’ alcohol use.” .

Migneault, J. P., J. F. Stevenson, et al. (1994). “A validation study of the stages of change for risky drinking in college.” .

Migneault, J. P. (1995). A transtheoretical approach to immoderate drinking in college.Psychology. Kingston, RI, University of Rhode Island.

Migneault, J. P., U. Pallonen, et al. (1997). “Decisional balance and stage of change for adolescent drinking.” Addictive Behaviors 22: 339-351.

Migneault, J.P., Velicer, W.F., Prochaska, J.O., & Stevenson, J.F. (in press). Decisional balance for immoderate drinking in college students. Substance Use and Misuse, 34, 000-000.

Mills, K. C. and D. McCarty (1983). “A data based alcohol abuse prevention program in a university setting.” Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 28: 15-27.

Moskowitz, J. M. (1989). “The primary prevention of alcohol problems: A critical review of the research literature.” Journal of the Studies of Alcohol 50: 54-88.

Norcross, J. C., J. O. Prochaska, et al. (1991). “Treating ourselves vs. treating our clients: A replication with alcohol abuse.” Journal of Substance Abuse 3: 123-129.

Rice, D. P., S. Kelman, et al. (1990). The economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness. Rockville, MD, National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (1993). Substance abuse: The nation’s number one health problem, key indicators for policy. Princeton, NJ, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Rollnick, S., N. Heather, et al. (1992). “Development of a short ‘readiness to change’ questionnaire for use in brief, opportunistic interventions among excessive drinkers.” Brit. J. Add. 87: 743-754.

Rothfleisch, J., K. Wright, et al. (1996). Stages and processes of change among inpatient alcoholics. International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.

Saunders, J. B. and O. G. Aasland (1987). WHO collaborative project on the identification and treatment of persons with harmful alcohol consumption: Report on Phase I: The development of a screening device. Geneva, World Health Organization.

Science (1987). “Is alcoholism treatment effective.” 236: 20-22.

Snow, M. G. (1991). A transtheoretical analysis of strategies in the recovery process from alcoholic problems. Psychology. Kingston, RI, University of Rhode Island.

Snow, M. G., J. O. Prochaska, et al. (1992). “Stages of change for smoking cessation among former problem drinkers: A cross-sectional analysis.” J. Sub. Abuse 4: 107-116.

Snow, M. G., J. O. Prochaska, et al. (1993). Stages within maintenance: Is termination a possiblity for alcohol problems? American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

Snow, M. G., J. O. Prochaska, et al. (1994). “Processes of change in Alcoholics Anonymous: Maintenance factors in long-term sobriety.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 55: 362-371.

Sobell, L. C. and M. B. Sobell (1986). “Can we do without alcohol abuser’s self-reports?”Behavior Theraptist 9: 141-146.

Stevenson, J., J. P. Migneault, et al. (1990). The University of Rhode Island alcohol-drug health survey: Final report. Kingston, RI, University of Rhode Island.

Temple, M. (1987). “Alcohol use among male and female college students: Has there been a convergence.” Youth and Society 19(1): 44-72.

Toscova, R. T., W. R. Miller, et al. (1990). Pattern of alcohol/drug use on a university campus before and after implementation of a multimodal prevention program. International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Sidney, Australia.

Vaillant, G. E. and E. S. Milofsky (1982). “The etiology of alcoholism: A prospective viewpoint.” American Psychologist 37: 494-503.

Velicer, W. F. (1996). “Introduction to special issue of Addictive Behaviors.” Addictive Behaviors 21(6): 1-2.

Velicer, W.F., & Colby, S.M. (1997). Time series analysis for prevention and treatment research. In K.J. Bryant, M. Windle, & S. G. West (eds.) The Science of Prevention: Methodological Advances from Alcohol and Substance Abuse Research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (pp. 211-249).

Wallace, R. B. and P. L. Colsher (1990). “Enhancing the utility of quantity-frequency measures of alcohol consumptions with assessments of problem drinking in a population study: A methodologic note.” Annals of Epidemiology 1: 157-165.

Wechsler, H. and M. McFadden (1979). “Drinking among college students in New England.”Journal of Studies on Alcohol 40(11): 969-996.

Wechsler, H. and M. Rohman (1981). “Extensive use of alcohol among college students.”Journal of Studies on Alcohol 42(1): 149-155.

Wechsler, H., A. Davenport, et al. (1994). “Health and behavioral consequences of binge drinking in college.” Journal of the American Medical Association 272: 1672-1677.

Welte, J. W. and G. M. Barnes (1988). “Alcohol use among adolescent minority groups.”Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory and Application 7(2): 46-49.

Werch, C. E. and D. R. Gorman (1988). “Relationship between self-control and alcohol consumption patterns and problems of college students.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol 49(1): 30-37.

Werch, C. E. (1990). “Behavioral self-control strategies for delibrately limiting drinking among college students.” Addictive Behaviors 15: 119-128.

Williams, G. D. and S. F. Debakey (1992). “Changes in levels of alcohol consumption: United States, 1983-1988.” British Journal of the Addictions 87: 643-648.

Willoughby, A. (1984). The alcohol troubled person: known and unknown. Chicago, Nelson-Hall.

Zinberg, N. E. and K. M. Fraser (1979). The role of social setting in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism. The diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism. J. H. Mendelson and N. K. Mello. New York, McGraw-Hill457-483.

Zinberg, N. E. (1981). Alcohol addiction: Toward a more comprehensive definition. Dynamic Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Alcoholism. M. H. Bean and N. E. Zinberg. New York, The Free Press.