B.S. in Civil Engineering


From implementing smart transit systems, designing wind farm foundations, and ensuring water quality, to crafting evacuation models and creating safer bridges, civil engineers provide the backbone of the world’s infrastructure. At URI, we place an emphasis on global learning that bridges classroom knowledge with projects abroad, preparing you to solve some of society’s biggest challenges.

The B.S. program offers a unique blend of classroom and hands-on learning with internships available at many private companies and at the Rhode Island Department of Transportation. We also offer many student groups and honor societies that provide opportunities to build leadership skills and gain real-world experience. Our graduates work across the world as leaders improving our infrastructure and transportation systems, cleaning the air and the water and, ultimately, advancing civilization and improving our quality of life.

A unique element of our program is the award-winning capstone course sequence. Students work in teams during their senior year, carrying out all tasks that a professional civil engineering firm would perform while designing a major project. Student “companies” are provided with office space in the newly upgraded Senior Design Studio where they complete their projects and present their work in front of panels of professional engineers.