Course Descriptions

CVE 205

Basic Surveying

(1 crs.) This course focuses on teaching conventional survey techniques for field measurement and preparation of topographic maps and site plans (Lab. 1) Pre: EGR 106 and MTH 142.

CVE 220

Mechanics of Materials

(3 crs.) Mechanical properties of materials; analysis of members under axial, torsional, and transverse loads; stress and strain; beam deflections, and introduction to statically-indeterminate beams and buckling of columns. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MCE 262.

CVE 230

Mechanics of Materials Laboratory

(1 cr.) Introduction to the physical and mechanical properties of civil engineering construction materials including steel, wood, and Portland cement concrete. Cement properties, mix design, testing of fresh and hardened concrete. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE 220. Required for civil engineering students only.

CVE 250

CADD for Civil Engineers

(3 crs.) Operating system issues, basic elements of Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD): creation of 2-D and 3-D models, solid modeling, rendering and animation, applications of CADD in civil engineering design. (Lec. 3) Pre: EGR 106. Preference given to students enrolled in the CVE undergraduate degree program.

CVE 323G

Humanitarian Engineering

(3 crs.) Focuses on creating awareness about the challenges that under-served communities are facing locally and globally and how to solve them using appropriate and sustainable technologies. (Lec. 3) Pre: (EGR 106 and MTH 243) or permission of instructor. (A1) (C1) (GC)


Honors Sections of CVE 323: Humanitarian Engineering

(3 crs.) Honors Section of CVE 323: Humanitarian Engineering. Focuses on creating awareness about the challenges that under-served communities are facing locally and globally and how to solve them using appropriate and sustainable technologies. (Lec. 3) Pre: 3.40 overall GPA and (EGR 106 and MTH 243) or permission of instructor. (A1) (C1) (GC)

CVE 325G

Connecting Dots: The Water-Energy-Health Nexus

(3 crs.) Focuses on inter-linkages between sustainable water practices, energy production and needs to ensure public health, and designing engineering systems to meet such demands in a changing global environment. (Lec. 3) Pre: MCE 354 or CHE 347 or permission of instructor. (A1) (C2) (GC)

CVE 334

Construction Management

(3 crs.) Introduction to construction planning; procedures involved in construction activities with major emphasis on heavy construction. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 220.

CVE 346

Transportation Engineering

(3 crs.) Concepts of transportation planning and design as well as traffic analysis techniques are covered with respect to Multi-Mode travel within transportation systems. (Lec. 3) Pre: At least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, PHY 204, and CHM 101.

CVE 347

Highway Engineering

(3 crs.) Design of modern highways and streets including planning, location, geometric layout, drainage structures, bituminous materials, pavement structure, construction, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 346.

CVE 348

Highway Engineering Laboratory

(1 cr.) Capacity analysis, computerized geometric design, soil resilient modulus, aggregates toughness, rheological properties of asphalt binder, Superpave asphalt mix-design, material input parameters for pavement design, pavement evaluation, and field trip. (Lab. 1) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in 347.

CVE 353

Civil Engineering Materials

(3 crs.) Processing, microstructure, properties, and applications of civil engineering materials, focusing on portland cement concrete, steel, asphalt concrete, wood, and composites. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 220.

CVE 354

Structural Engineering

(3 crs.) Loads and load paths; analysis of statically determinate beams, trusses, frames; deflections of beams and trusses; influence lines; and indeterminate beams and trusses. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 220 with C or better and at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, PHY 204, and CHM 101.

CVE 355

Structural Engineering Laboratory

(1 cr.) Introduction to plane stress under combined loading, gravity and lateral loads, structural analysis and design software, structural instrumentation, and dynamics of structures. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE 354.

CVE 370

Hydraulic Engineering

(3 crs.) Applied hydraulics of flow in closed conduits and open channels: river and groundwater hydraulics. Analysis of hydraulic structures. Reservoir design. Principles of hydrology. (Lec. 3) Pre: MCE 354 or equivalent and at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, PHY 204, and CHM 101.

CVE 374

Environmental Engineering

(3 crs.) Water supply and treatment systems, sewerage treatment of municipal and industrial waste waters, stream pollution, groundwater analysis, air pollution and disposal of solid waste materials. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 243 or permission of chairperson and at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, PHY 204, and CHM 101.

CVE 375

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

(1 cr.) Laboratory studies in environmental engineering and water resources. Measurement of environmental contaminants, closed conduit flow, and open channel flow. Treatment processes, pipe networks, and centrifugal pump characteristics. Computer implementation for design. (Lab. 3) Pre: MCE 354, CVE 374, and credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE 370.

CVE 381

Geotechnical Engineering

(3 crs.) Engineering properties of soils, seepage, consolidation theory, calculation of stresses, failure theories, shear strength of sand, shear strength of clay. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 220 and at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, PHY 204, and CHM 101.

CVE 382

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

(1 cr.) Laboratory studies of physical properties and behavior of soils: index properties, compaction, consolidation, and shear strength. Interpretation, evaluation, and engineering applications of test data. (Lab. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in 381.

CVE 400

Civil Engineering Professional Licensure

(1 cr.) Preparation of students to take the civil engineering oriented Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Overview of the civil engineering licensure process and importance. (Lec. 1) Pre: Civil engineering major with senior standing. Not for graduate credit. S/U only.

CVE 422

Offshore Structure Design

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCE), CVE 422. Introduction to offshore structures, structural modeling, structural dynamic analysis, structural design for storms, structural design against fatigue failure. (Lec. 3) Pre: OCE 421. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 442

Traffic Engineering

Highway traffic characteristics and methods of providing for an effective, free, and rapid flow of traffic. Types of studies, regulations, control devices and aids, planning and administration. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: CVE 347 or permission of instructor.

CVE 443

Intelligent Transportation Systems

(3 crs.) Traffic systems operations/planning strategies; Advanced Transportation Management Systems; Detection Devices; Benefits and Evaluation; In-Vehicle Navigation Theory; Real-Time Dynamic Routing Issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 346 or permission of instructor.

CVE 445

Sustainable Pavement Design

(3 crs.) Pavement types; pavement system components; stresses in the pavement structure. Design factors and criteria, structural design of flexible and rigid pavements for highways and airports, green pavement. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: CVE 347 or permission of instructor.

CVE 453

Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

(3 crs.) Analysis of indeterminate structural systems (trusses, beams, and frames) using classical and matrix methods based on both flexibility and stiffness approaches. Serves as an introduction to finite element methods. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 354 or equivalent. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 455

Structural Damage Control, Mitigation, and Rehabilitation

(3 crs.) Fundamental mechanisms of structural damage (external load induced and materials related), assessment methods, strengthening strategies, and informed decision making. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 354 or permission of instructor

CVE 460

Steel Structures

(3 crs.) Theory of steel structures including beams, columns, beam-columns, composite construction and connections. Material properties, environmental loads, state of construction practice, fabrication and economic aspects. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 354 or permission of instructor.

CVE 465

Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures

(3 crs.) Current criteria and practice for design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Elastic and ultimate strength analysis of beams, slabs, columns, and frames. Comprehensive design problems. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 354 or permission of instructor.

CVE 470

Water And Wastewater Transport Systems

(3 crs.) Computer analysis of water storage and transmission. Design of water distribution and wastewater collection systems. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: CVE 370 or 374 or permission of instructor.

CVE 471

Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

(3 crs.) Development of water quality standards. Design and analysis of physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes and their application to water and wastewater purification systems. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: CVE 374 or permission of instructor.

CVE 472

Biosystems in Environmental Engineering

(3 crs.) Microorganisms that constitute the biological systems in environmental engineering processes. Application of principles of microbiology and biochemistry to analysis and design in fields of environmental engineering and other related fields. (Lec. 3) Pre: Senior level engineering student.

CVE 474

Water Quality Sampling And Analysis

(3 crs.) Laboratory and field work including sampling of surface and groundwater, chemical and biological analyses for water, monitoring, treated effluent quality control, and detection of hazardous contaminants. (Lec. 1, Lab. 6) Pre: CVE 374 or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 475

Water in the Environment

(3 crs.) Evaluation of water as a resource and its relation to the environment: hydrologic cycle, water budgets, water uses, drought, flood, current water problems. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 370 or permission of instructor.

CVE 477

Environmental Sustainability and Green Engineering

(3 crs.) Provides an overview of the impacts in aquatic, terrestrial, atmospheric and built environment created by engineering decisions. Understand the physical, chemical, and biological principles that describe interactions between engineering and the environment. (Lec. 3) Pre: senior standing undergraduate from any engineering program or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 480

Introduction to Marine Pollution

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCG) CVE 480. An introductory course in marine pollution emphasizing geochemical aspects of the sources, transport, and fate of pollutants in the coastal marine environment. (Lec. 3) Pre: one semester of general chemistry (CHM 101 or 103). One semester of general geosciences (GEO 100 or 103) is recommended. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 482

Innovative Subsurface Remediation Technologies

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (GEO), NRS, EVS, CVE 482. Innovative remediation technologies for treating contaminated groundwater and sediments: theory, applications, and limitations of selected methods. Discussion of case studies. (Lec. 4) Pre: permission of instructor. In alternate years. Not for graduate credit.

CVE 483

Shallow Foundations

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CVE), OCE 483. Applications of geotechnical engineering principles to analysis and design of shallow foundations. Foundation types, lateral earth pressures, bearing capacity, settlement, gravity retaining walls, cantilever sheet pile walls. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or permission of instructor.

CVE 484

Environmental Hydrogeology

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (GEO), NRS, EVS, CVE 484. Physico-chemical principles and fundamental relationships that describe the fate and transport of contaminants in the hydrologic system. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2) Pre: GEO 483 or CVE 588 or NRS 510, or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. Offered every other year.

CVE 491

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Not for graduate credit in civil engineering.

CVE 492

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Not for graduate credit in civil engineering.

CVE 493

Civil Engineering Design Studies

(1-6 crs.) Off campus civil and environmental engineering design studies. Must include significant hands-on (laboratory or field) experience, use of engineering design tools, and the design, development, test, and evaluation of hardware/software systems. (Independent Study) Pre: junior standing in civil engineering and permission of the department chair. Not for graduate credit in civil engineering.

CVE 497

Civil Engineering Design I

(2 crs.) Detailed project planning, conceptual design and layout, and environmental impact for the civil engineering integrated capstone design project. Speakers on ethics, professionalism, and professional practice. (Lab. 4) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE 346, 354, 374, and 381. Must be taken immediately prior to 498. Required of all seniors in civil engineering. Not for graduate credit in civil engineering.

CVE 498

Civil Engineering Design II

(3 crs.) Elements of planning, analysis and design of a civil engineering project integrating the principles learned in previous courses; a group integrated capstone design project involving all major aspects of civil engineering design. (Lec. 1, Lab. 6) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE 370, and 497. Required for all seniors in civil engineering. Not for graduate credit in civil engineering. (D1)

CVE 519

Marine Environmental Organic Chemistry

(3 crs.) Cross-coded with (OCG), GEO, CVE 519. Physico-chemical properties of organic compounds, their transformations and environmental fluxes with a focus on marine topics. Offered alternate years. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

CVE 535

Geospatial Watershed Modeling

(3 crs.) Cross-listed with (GEO) NRS, CVE 535. Tools to simulate the water quantity and quality of a complex watershed; development of models for examining the water quantity and quality issues that are associated with watershed management. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: NRS 461 or GEO 483 or CVE 475 or equivalent, or graduate standing, or permission of instructor.

CVE 540

Public Transportation Systems

(3 crs.) Bus and rail modes; technological characteristics on capacity, service quality, costs; analysis, evaluation; performance monitoring, route and network design; frequency determination; vehicle scheduling; advanced operations strategies. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 346 or permission of instructor.

CVE 542

Traffic Systems Operations

(3 crs.) Signalized and unsignalized intersection treatments; coordination concepts; arterial and freeway management, operating strategies, and design issues; simulation and optimization; performance evaluation. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 442 or permission of instructor.

CVE 546

Urban and Rural Transportation

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CPL), CVE 546. Issues confronting planning for urban and rural transportation systems; the variety of policies that governments pursue in addressing issues and problems; technical and political constraints, transportation studies, and demand analysis techniques. (Lec. 3) Pre:CPL 410 or 501 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.

CVE 547

Geometric Design of Highways

(3 crs.) Evaluation of alternative designs. Criteria and practices of geometric design; at grade intersections, interchanges, channelization, weaving parking facilities, and road appurtenances; safety considerations, lane balancing, ramps, and terminals. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 347 or equivalent.

CVE 548

Bituminous Materials and Mix-Design

(3 crs.) Asphalt binder, bituminous mixtures, conventional and superpave mix-design methods, material characterization and testing, fracture, fatigue, and permanent deformation, novel pavement materials and additives, and pavement recycling. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: CVE 347 or permission of instructor.

CVE 549

Transportation Soils and Materials

(3 crs.) Surficial and subgrade soils, mineral aggregates, Portland Cement Concretes, mix-design methods, material characterization and testing, fracture, fatigue, and modern transportation materials. (Lec. 2, Lab. 3) Pre: CVE 347 or permission of instructor.

CVE 560

Applied Finite Element Analysis

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CVE) MCE 560. Direct stiffness method. Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods. Isoparametric elements. Frames, trusses, plane stress and strain. Bending of thin plates. Solve real-world engineering problems using Abaqus and LS-Dyna. (Lec. 3) Pre: MCE 372 or CVE 453, or graduate standing, or permission of instructor.

CVE 552

Structural Timber Design

(3 crs.) Study of wood properties and design considerations. Design and behavior of beams, columns, beam-columns, and wood fasteners. Analysis and design of structural diaphragms, shear walls, and box beams. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 354 or permission of instructor.

CVE 561

Advanced Steel Design

(3 crs.) Selected topics in structural steel design following the LRFD specification, including plate buckling and postbuckling, torsion, plate girders, plastic design, frame stability, tall buildings, composite design, and earthquake-resistant design. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 460 or permission of instructor.

CVE 562

Management of Highway Bridges

(3 crs.) Comprehensive systems approach to management of highway bridges. Needs assessment, in-service monitoring and evaluation of bridges. Condition forecasting models and failure analysis. Life-cycle cost and benefit analysis, prioritization and optimization. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 563

Prestressed Concrete

(3 crs.) Theory of prestressed concrete including partial losses of prestress and long-term effects due to creep, shrinkage and steel relaxation. Service and ultimate load evaluation of pre-tensioned and post-tensioned beam elements in flexure, shear and torsion. Deflection, camber and crack control evaluation. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 465 or permission of instructor.

CVE 564

Advanced Reinforced Concrete

(3 crs.) Elastic and ultimate strength theory in flexure, shear, torsion, compression and serviceability. Behavior and analysis of deep beams, corbels, slender and non-slender columns, biaxial bending, two-way slabs and plates. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 465 or permission of instructor.

CVE 565

Structural Dynamics

(3 crs.) Simplified models and their equations of motion; analytical solution methods; Fourier analysis; Duhamel integral; nonlinearities; computer-oriented solution algorithms and their implementation. Applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 453 or permission of instructor.

CVE 566

Design of Highway Bridges

(3 crs.) (651) Design specifications and analysis methods for highway bridges. Loads. Design of steel I-beam bridges, reinforced concrete bridges, and plate girders. Orthotropic analysis. Bridge details and substructure. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 460, 465, and 453 or permission of instructor.

CVE 568

Theory of Plates

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MCE), CVE 568. Development of basic plate equations. Classical solution examples of rectangular and circular plates. Additional topics selected from orthotropic plates, large deflections, finite element, and numerical solutions. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 220 and MTH 244.

CVE 570

Water Chemistry for Engineers

(3 crs.) Chemical principles applied to problems in environmental engineering, including water and wastewater treatment, contaminant hydrology, and hazardous waste management. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 572

Biosystems in Environmental Engineering

(3 crs.) Microorganisms that constitute the biological systems in environmental engineering processes. Application of principles of microbiology and biochemistry to analysis and design in fields of environmental engineering and other related fields. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit in CVE 472.

CVE 573

Theory of Water Purification and Treatment

(3 crs.) Principles of modern water purification and engineering practices. Aeration, deodorization, sterilization, coagulation, filtration, water softening, iron removal, disinfection, and corrosion control. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 574

Water Quality Sampling and Analysis

(3 crs.) Laboratory and field work including sampling of surface and groundwater, chemical and biological analyses for water, monitoring, treated effluent quality control, and detection of hazardous contaminants. (Lec. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: Permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit in CVE 474.

CVE 575

Open-Channel Hydraulics

(3 crs.) Analysis of uniform, critical, varied, and unsteady flow in open channels. Principles will be applied to open-channel design. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 370.

CVE 577

Environmental Sustainability and Green Engineering

(3 crs.) Provides the conceptual, methodological, and scientific basis to understand and reduce the impact of engineering decisions on the environment. Designed for an interdisciplinary audience of engineering graduate students and will provide students with the background and tools necessary to reduce the impacts of design. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit in CVE 477.

CVE 579

Advanced Soil Mechanics

(3 crs.) Physico-chemical properties of soils, hydraulic conductivity, consolidation, and shear strength. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent and graduate standing.

CVE 580

Introduction To Marine Pollution

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCG), CVE 580. An introductory course in marine pollution emphasizing geochemical aspects of the sources, transport and fate of pollutants in the coastal marine environment. Review papers or research proposals will be required. (Lec. 3) Pre: one semester of general chemistry (CHM 101 or 103). One semester of general geosciences (GEO 100 or 103).

CVE 581

Experimental Geomechanics

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CVE), OCE 581. Advanced methods and techniques of geotechnical testing. Behavior of granular and cohesive soils with determination of engineering properties. Interpretation, evaluation, and engineering applications of test data. Emphasis on shearing strength, consolidation, bearing capacity, earth pressures, seepage, and slope stability. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent.

CVE 582

Marine Geotechnics

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (OCE), CVE 582. Geotechnical engineering principles as applied to marine problems. Site survey and in-situ testing, soil properties, shallow foundations and deadweight anchors, piles and pile anchors, direct and drag embedment anchors, scour. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent or OCE 311, or permission of instructor.

CVE 583

Deep Foundations

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (CVE), OCE 583. Applications of soil mechanics principles to analysis and design of piles and drilled shafts under vertical and lateral loading. Static and dynamic load testing. Introduction to ground improvement technologies. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent.

CVE 584

Designing with Geosynthetics

(3 crs.) Overview of geosynthetic materials, properties, test methods, and current standards. Design methods involving geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, and geocomposites. Applications to problems in geomechanics, geoenvironmental engineering, and transportation-related fields. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent.

CVE 586

Earth Retaining Structures

(3 crs.) Analysis and design of earth retaining structures. Advanced seepage analysis. Mechanically stabilized earth walls, anchored bulkheads, braced excavations, and cofferdams. Slope stability analysis and slope stabilization. Pre: CVE 381 or equivalent. (Lec. 3)

CVE 588

Groundwater Hydrology

(3 crs.) Quantitative methods of groundwater hydrology including determination of aquifer properties and yield. Modeling of groundwater systems for management quantity of water, movement of contaminants, and well design. Field and laboratory measurements. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 370 and CVE 381 or equivalent.

CVE 591

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.

CVE 592

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson.

CVE 594

Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering

(1-3 crs.) Intensive inquiry into a certain important field of current interest in civil and environmental engineering. (Lec. 1-3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 596

Numerical Methods in Structural Engineering

(3 crs.) Methods of successive approximations and numerical procedures in the solution of stress, vibration, and stability problems in structural members. Nonuniform members, elastic supports, plates, torsion. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 599

Master's Thesis Research

(1-9 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.

CVE 601

Graduate Seminar

(1 cr.) Presentations by researchers and practicing professionals covering topics in various areas of civil engineering and related fields. Presentations and discussions of research by graduate students. (Seminar) S/U credit.

CVE 602

Graduate Seminar

(1 cr.) Presentations by researchers and practicing professionals covering topics in various areas of civil engineering and related fields. Presentations and discussions of research by graduate students. (Seminar) Required of all full-time graduate students. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits. Pre: graduate standing. S/U credit.

CVE 641

Pavement Evaluation and Rehabilitation

(3 crs.) Pavement performance concepts. Criteria for pavement evaluation. Measurement of pavement distress and structural capacity. Analysis and interpretation of pavement evaluation data. Correlation of data with performance ratings. Formulation and evaluation of maintenance and rehabilitation alternatives. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 445 or permission of instructor.

CVE 652

Advanced Topics in Bridge Engineering

(3 crs.) Load and resistance factor design of prestressed concrete bridges. Analysis and design of segmental concrete bridges using the span-by-span and the cantilever methods of construction. Time dependent effects. Long span bridges. Bridge condition assessment and rating. (Lec. 3) Pre: CVE 651 or permission of instructor

CVE 657

Structural Stability

(3 crs.) Introduction; principal forms of equilibrium paths and their stability; conservative elastic systems; buckling of prismatic members; imperfections; plastic deformations; postbuckling of frames and reticulated structures; numerical methods; catastrophe theory. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 667

Structural Reliability

(3 crs.) Probabilistic applications in structural analysis and design. Statistical models for forces and material strengths. Component and system structural reliability. Random vibration applications in structural engineering. (Lec. 3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 672

Water Pollution Control and Treatment of Wastewater

(3 crs.) Wastewater characteristics, effects, and purification in natural water, government control strategies and impacts, cost of control, theory and mathematical concepts of secondary and tertiary treatment process, their limitations, and late developments. (Lec. 3) Pre: one year of chemistry and biology, MTH 243 and CVE 572 or their equivalents, and permission of instructor.

CVE 677

Stream and Estuarine Analysis

(3 crs.) Fundamentals and mathematical concepts of physical and biological factors applied to the evaluation of the pollution capacity of streams and estuaries. (Lec. 3) Pre: MTH 244.

CVE 687

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

(3 crs.) Introduction to the geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering. Geology of earthquakes, response of single degree of freedom systems, strong ground motion, dynamic soil properties, site response analysis, liquefaction, and seismic earth pressures for retaining wall design. (Lec. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in CVE/OCE 483 and graduate standing.

CVE 691

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

CVE 692

Special Problems

(1-6 crs.) Advanced work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

CVE 694

Advanced Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering

(1-3 crs.) Intensive inquiry into a certain important field of current interest in civil and environmental engineering, requiring advanced sophistication of a 600 level course. (Lec. 1-3) Pre: permission of instructor.

CVE 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.