University Diversity Council

The Office of the President and the Office of Community, Equity, and Diversity (CED) are accepting nominations for the University Diversity Council (UDC).  The UDC was established in Spring 2020 in response to recommendations from the Community, Equity, and Diversity external review completed in September 2018, as well as a proposal developed by an ad hoc working group in summer 2019. The newly reconstituted UDC is charged with advancing, assessing, and amplifying efforts to sustain a more equitable, inclusive and broadly representative University community.

UDC members will represent a diversity of professional and personal backgrounds, as well as university constituencies, including:

  • Faculty: tenure/tenure track, clinical, teaching, and other instructional staff (2-year term)
  • Staff: classified and non-classified, union and non-union (3-year term)
  • Administrators: administrative and academic units (3-year term)
  • Student: Graduate and Undergraduate (1-year term)
  • Community Affiliates: Chaplains, Extension, OLLI (2-year term)
  • Campuses: Kingston, Providence, Bay, Alton Jones.

UDC members will be selected from an open nomination process. Self-nominations will be accepted. Nominees will be asked to complete a brief application.  Nominations will be accepted through October 21, 2024. A nominating committee composed of CED staff will review applications and make recommendations to the president, ensuring representation from each of the categories outlined above. The president will make the final decision on all members as confirmed by appointment letters to each selected member and their dean or division leader and direct supervisor. The UDC will commence its work in January 2025. Selected members will be asked to commit to 6 meetings per academic year (3 each semester) and subcommittee meetings as needed.

Nominate yourself, classmate, or colleague to serve!

Past Agendas

Past Minutes

The 19-member University Diversity Council was established in Spring 2020 in response to recommendations from the Community, Equity, and Diversity external review completed September 2018, as well as a proposal developed by an ad hoc working group in summer 2019.

Diversity Council ARCHIVE