SJ&I Microcredential Module 3: recognizing Implicit Bias

This module presents and discusses the ways deeply hidden biases shape decision-making and how to implement actions that disrupt these patterns at various levels. This module will allow participants to 1) learn about the root causes of implicit and explicit bias and their common manifestations; 2) understand the types of change (e.g., first- and second-order) and targets of change (e.g., individual, group, and organizational levels) in the multicultural change intervention matrix (MCIM); and 3) apply the MCIM Tool to brainstorm change interventions that can help to curtail the negative effects of implicit bias at various levels.

Presenter: Safie Sagna, MA, PhD Candidate | School of Education; JEDI Education and program Coordinator | Community, Equity and Diversity
Friday, April 22, 11:00 pm-12:30 pm

