Nicholas Bernardo

  • Assistant Director of EDI
  • Summer 2022 - Current


Nicholas Bernardo is the Assistant Director of EDI. Dr. Bernardo holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Rhode Island. As Assistant Director, Dr. Bernardo oversees and executes extensive data analysis, simulations, and optimization with the aim of improving voting processes and solving election planning challenges. Dr. Bernardo has been working on EDI since 2017 and has collaborated with election offices throughout the United States. Dr. Bernardo’s research focuses on applications of engineering methods for voting, including simulations, web-based applications for election planning, guides and videos to support election administrators, and advanced data methods to extract and harness election data for system improvement.


PhD in Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 2022

MS in Systems Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 2019

BS in Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 2018

Selected Publications

Bernardo, N., Pearson-Merkowitz, S., & Macht, G. (2022). The Effect of Ballot Characteristics on the Likelihood of Voting Errors. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 22(2), 121-139. doi:10.1017/spq.2021.24

Bernardo, N. & Macht, G.A. (Forthcoming). Assessing Minimum ADA Compliant Voting Equipment Requirements Through Simulation. Election Law Journal.