Capstone Program Director

HARISH R. D. SUNAKDSC_0009-300x300 (1)

Professor & Capstone Program Director
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

A Quote that Inspires Me

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy Adams


  • Stewards the ECBE Department/corporate relationships
  • Recruits corporate sponsored projects after visits to interested companies; brain storms in writing the Project Description
  • Recruits department faculty advisors on as-needed basis,
  • Assigns students to teams depending on their interest areas and “passion statement”
  • Oversees all activities of the program, including instruction, posting the final grades
  • Interacts with Technical Directors for feedback on individual technical performance of team members
  • Maintains open lines of communication throughout the project, with the Technical Director, so as to establish a good foundation for a successful project outcome
  • Develops the written and oral communication skills of the team members
  • Assigns the work assignments for the Program Teaching Assistants.
  • Recruits outside Consulting Electrical/Computer Professionals, if needed on a specific project problem