Electrical Engineering Curriculum

Electrical Engineering – Class of 2017

Curriculum of Core Courses Taken & Descriptions

Sophomore Year:

– ELE 201/202: Digital Circuit Design (w/Lab)

– ELE 220: Passive and Active Circuits

– ELE 205/206: Microprocessors (w/Lab)

– ELE 212/215: Linear Circuit Theory (w/Lab)

Junior Year:

– ELE 313: Linear Systems

– ELE 331: Intro to Solid State Devices

– ELE 338/339: Electronics I (w/Lab)

– ELE 301/302: Electronic Design Automation (w/Lab)

– ELE 314: Linear Systems and Signals

– ELE 322: Electromagnetic Fields I

– ELE 343/344: Electronics II (w/Lab)

Senior Year:

– ELE 400: Intro to Professional Practice

– ELE 480/481: ELECOMP Capstone Design I/II

Senior Year Design Electives That Can be Taken Concurrently with Capstone:

– ELE 423: Electromagnetic Fields II

– ELE 435/436: Communication Systems (w/Lab)

– ELE 437: Computer Communications

– ELE 470: Mobile Computing

– ELE 425: Renewable Electrical Power

– ELE 447/448: Digital Integrated Circuit Design I (w/Lab)

– ELE 458/459: Digital Control Systems (w/Lab)

ELE Course Descriptions:

ELE 201/202: Digital Circuit Design (w/Lab)

-Digital concepts. Combinational logic: gates, Boolean algebra, K-maps, standard   implementations. Sequential circuits: flip-flops, timing diagrams, state diagrams, counters and registers, design methods. MSI devices, memory, and programmable devices.

ELE 220: Passive and Active Circuits

-Electrical circuit laws and theorems, transient and steady-state response, phasors, frequency response, resonance. Diode and transistor circuits, digital logic devices.

ELE 205/206: Microprocessors (w/Lab)

-Hands-on familiarization with computer and microprocessor software and hardware. Computer architecture and interfacing with input and output devices.

ELE 212/215: Linear Circuit Theory (w/Lab)

-Kirchhoff’s Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, natural and forced response of first and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power.

ELE 313: Linear Systems

-Fourier series, Fourier transforms, transfer functions of continuous and discrete-time systems, transient and steady-state response, natural response and stability, convolution.

ELE 331: Intro to Solid State Devices

-Electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. Characteristics of p-n and metal semiconductor junctions. Application to diodes, transistors and light emitting and absorbing devices. Fabrication technology is introduced.

ELE 338/339: Electronics I (w/Lab)

-Review of linear circuit theory, operational amplifiers, diode and transistor circuits, computer-aided design, linear and nonlinear circuit applications, CMOS logic

ELE 301/302: Electronic Design Automation (w/Lab)

-Digital design, simulation, synthesis and verification using electronic design automation    tools. IEEE VHDL hardware description language and rapid prototyping with FPGAs. Register transfer level design with reusable modules and cores.

ELE 314: Linear Systems and Signals

-Continuous-time and discrete-time systems, frequency response, stability criteria, Laplace transforms, z-transforms, filters, sampling, feedback, and applications.

ELE 322: Electromagnetic Fields I

-Electrostatics and magnetostatics, forces on charged particles. Analysis employs vector algebra and vector calculus in orthogonal coordinates. Simple applications to engineering problems.

ELE 343/344: Electronics II (w/Lab)

-Bipolar and MOS transistor biasing, small signal amplifiers, amplifier frequency response, operational amplifiers, SPICE, nonlinear circuits, statistical circuit simulation.

ELE 400: Intro to Professional Practice

-Discussions with faculty, visiting engineers, and invited speakers on ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations in engineering practice; career planning; graduate study.

ELE 480/481: Capstone Design I/II

-Application of engineering skills; teams focus on the design and communication of solutions to problems with real-world constraints (may include aspects of other engineering disciplines). First of a two-course sequence.

ELE 423: Electromagnetic Fields II

-Transmission lines, Maxwell’s equations, wave equation, reflection and refraction phenomena, polarization effects waveguides and antennas. Design project requiring application of electromagnetic theory and use of numerical methods.

ELE 435/436: Communication Systems (w/Lab)

-Representation of signals and noise. Basic principles of modulation and demodulation. Waveform and digital transmission systems. Design of a component of a communication system.

ELE 437: Computer Communications

-Cross-listed as (ELE 437), CSC 417. Computer networks, layering standards, communication fundamentals, error detection and recovery, queuing theory, delay versus throughput trade-offs in networks, multiple-access channels, design issues in wide and      local area networks.

ELE 470: Mobile Computing

-Application of modern mobile computing platforms, user interface, software application development, hardware interface; view controllers; data interaction; application   distribution.

ELE 425: Renewable Electrical Power

-This course introduces students to renewable and efficient electric power systems, ranging from the basic concepts of electric power engineering to renewable energy systems such as wind and solar systems.

ELE 447/448: Digital Integrated Circuit Design I (w/Lab)

-Introduction to full custom digital integrated circuit design. Analysis of logic functions and timing at the transistor level. Realization of logic functions via hand crafted transistor layout. Design project.

ELE 458/459: Digital Control Systems (w/Lab)

-Analysis and design of digital control systems using state-space techniques. State feedback and observers. Laboratory includes computer simulation and hardware implementation of control laws for electromechanical systems.

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