Semester Thoughts and Quotes

It is not your title that makes you a leader. It is your influence, inspiration and initiative. Agree?
- Oleg Vishnepolsky, Global CTO of DailyMail Online
Integrity is Everything
- Melissa Wright,Paralegal at Cochise County Public Defender
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
by Angela Duckworth
In this instant New York Times bestseller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed—be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people—that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit.”

Writing Style and Standards in Undergraduate Reports, Third Edition
by Jeffrey Donnel, Sheldon Jeter, Colin MacDougall, Jacqueline Snedeker
Writing Style and Standards in Undergraduate Reports, 3e, was developed to provide students with guidance for models of experimental reporting and to fully explain to students how they might produce such reports using their own data. The book presents models that represent the full diversity of experimental engineering reports. Examples range from simple industrial testing documents to complex research reports.

15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management: The Productivity Habits of 7 Billionaires, 13 Olympic Athletes, 29 Straight-A Students, and 239 Entrepreneurs
by Kevin Kruse
New York Times bestselling author, Kevin Kruse, presents the remarkable findings of his study of ultra-productive people. Based on survey research and interviews with billionaires, Olympic athletes, straight-A students, and over 200 entrepreneurs—including Mark Cuban, Kevin Harrington, James Altucher, John Lee Dumas, Grant Cardone, and Lewis Howes—Kruse answers the question: what are the secrets to extreme productivity?

Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides
by Michael Alley, Virginia Tech
In this presentation, Michael Alley goes through the many nuances surrounding what defines “good presentation slides”. Alley focuses on key concepts including: typography, attractive headlines, image use and function, and overall styling guidelines. An excellent resource, anyone looking to present using Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software can benefit from this resource.

Prezi vs. Powerpoint
by Pepperdine University
In this video, Technology and Learning staff member, Landon Phillips, explains the differences between two powerful presentation applications, Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Prezi

TED TALK: How to overcome fear and see life clearly
by Issac Lidsky
“Reality isn’t something you perceive; it’s something you create in your mind.” Isaac Lidsky learned this profound lesson firsthand, when unexpected life circumstances yielded valuable insights. In this introspective, personal talk, he challenges us to let go of excuses, assumptions and fears, and accept the awesome responsibility of being the creators of our own reality.

The Six Characteristics of Successful Employees at Rapidly Growing Companies
by Startup Institute
This study and analysis of the responses of over 100 entrepreneurial leaders of rapidly growing companies has revealed a remarkably consistent set of six characteristics that successful employees possess. The pattern of knowledge, attitudes, and skills uncovered in our research is supported by a number of academic studies, but this real-world validation provides insights for would-be entrepreneurs, hiring managers, and educators of the 21st century workforce

Video Links
Taiga Webinar
Want a great career? Find your passion
by Larry Smith
“Since pursuing your passion is a necessary — but not sufficient — condition for a great career, it becomes logically essential to find your passion as a starting point. Nevertheless, many people struggle to find their passions. What mistakes are they making?” In this video, Larry Smith delves into the necessity of passion in your work and how to go about finding your passion when unsure.

The Power of Passion
by Taylor Wilson
Applied Nuclear physicist Taylor Wilson discusses the sheer power finding one’s passion can have on your productivity and happiness.
source: CNN

A Different Perspective to “Passion” and “Opportunity”
by PragerU
Should you follow your passion, wherever it may take you? Should you do only what you love…or learn to love what you do? How can you identify which path to take? How about which paths to avoid? TV personality Mike Rowe, star of “Dirty Jobs” and “Somebody’s Gotta Do It,” shares the dirty truth in PragerU’s 2016 commencement address.
source: Youtube/PragerU

Meaningful Quotations
“Seize Every Opportunity
If someone offers you an amazing opportunity, and you are not sure that you can take it, say YES – then learn to do it later!” –Richard Branson
“Invest In Yourself
Opportunities are going to present themselves everyday; what we do with those opportunities are what determines our outcome in life.”
“You can do anything
your mind & heart motivates you to accomplish. Life is a matter of choices; just make the right one & you will always be a winner. In most companies you can learn almost any job in four months with the proper instructor. Avail yourself of every opportunity, you will never be sorry.”
-Ronald Macklin (Artist/Photographer/Author/Speaker)
“Leaders (Technical Directors) who do not listen
will eventually be surrounded by people (students) who have nothing to say.”
— Andy Stanley