Special Skills Possessed By Students
ele based skills
-PCB Design and Layout
-Cadsoft Eagle
-Electrician work/Power Electronics
-IAR Embedded Workbench
-LT spice
-Systems engineering experience
-Automated test and re-test software
cpe based skills
-Apple Xcode
-IT skills
-Java programming
-Source code debugging
-Cyber security experience
-Experience with cryptographic algorithms
-PIC microcontrollers and MPLabX IDE
-Experience in machine learning (AI)
-Computer hardware assembly/repair
-Raspberry Pi
-MIPS Assembly Programming
-Linux Ubuntu
common skills
-iPhone and iPad repair
-iOS application design
-Designing parts for 3D printing
-Adobe Photoshop
-Embedded systems experience
-Digital signal processing and AD/DA converters
-Android application design
other skills
-Welding/metal fabrication
-Automotive repair
-Plumbing experience
-Live sound engineering
-Audio recording
-Machine shop Equipment