Make a Gift

Student readingA contribution to the Department of English enhances our student and faculty programs and resources. To make an online gift to support the work of the Department of English, please complete the following steps:

  • Visit the URI Foundation secure online giving form.
  • Click list of Giving Opportunities and scroll down to “Other,” which will take you back to the online giving form.
  • To contribute to the English Department, enter “English Department Discretionary Fund” or “Department of English Graduate Fund” in the box.

Thank you for your support! To learn more about the impact of giving to the University, visit the URI Foundation website. For more information about supporting the Department of English, please contact:

Owen Devine, Associate Dean for Development
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Rhode Island
257 Chafee Hall
10 Chafee Road
Kingston, RI 02881

P: 401. 874.9528 F: 401. 874.2892