William Bowden

  • PhD Student & Teaching Assistant
  • English
  • Email: billb75@uri.edu
  • Office Location: 208G Swan Hall




I am a Ph.D. candidate and Instructor of Record in the Department of English Literature & Culture at the University of Rhode Island. My research spans multiple disciplines, including twentieth and twenty-first-century global literatures, decolonial thought, philosophy of time, feminist and queer materialities, environmental ethics, and indigenous literatures and cultures.

Currently, I am completing a dissertation project titled “Textual Sediments: Genre and the Planetary Novel” that examines the writing of contemporary author-critics David Mitchell, Ruth Ozeki, and Hari Kunzru, whose work collectively lends narrative reproach to the spatial and temporal unevenness resulting from colonial rupture and capitalist extraction over centuries. On the flip side, the project investigates sites of repair and empathic connection enabled by ‘human’ and inhuman collectivities working in contradistiction to the imperatives of colonial capture and capitalist accumulation. “Textual sediments” is attentive to the ways in which narrative form, especially avant-garde, apocalyptic fictions published around the turn of the century promise to renew perceptions of the lived environment as an ontological, epistemological, racialized and gendered space threatened by normative modes of seeing, reflecting, and feeling.

My writing appears in peer-reviewed and public venues, including EuropeNow, The Modernist Review, and The Journal of Media Literacy Education. I have served as an editorial committee member for EuropeNow since 2020 and a reader for The Explicator, a formalist journal published by Routledge.

In addition to research and editorial engagements, I am a passionate teacher, having facilitated more than 15 courses in the English department since 2017. Most recently, I have taught courses on the cultural afterlives of settler colonialism and slavery (AME 204) and U.S. Proletarian Literature 1800-present (ENG 121). As a first-generation college student, I am committed to organizing and participating in spaces for fellow scholars & students hailing from “non-academic” backgrounds to excel and lead together.





Contemporary transatlantic literature, mobility studies, critical university studies, indigenous literature and culture, and the ethics of technology.

Selected Publications

“Becoming Comfortable with Failure in the Writing Process.” (2018). The Current.http://thecurrent.educatorinnovator.org/site-blog/becoming-comfortable-failure-writing-process/6878

“Collaboration, Pedagogy, and Media: Short-Term Summer Program Emphasizes Project Based and Social-Emotional Learning.” (2015). Journal for Media Literacy Education: http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/jmle/vol7/iss1/8/

Courses Taught

WRT 104: Writing to Inform and Explain
ENG 110: Introduction to Literature
ENG 160: World Literature