Congratulations to PhD student Ali Ghaderi on his recent scholarship!

The department would like to recognize PhD student Ali Ghaderi for his recent scholarship, which includes:

-Presenting the paper “Disintegration of Bodies in Music: Orpheus and Eurydice’s Prosodic Doom Becoming Salvation in Luthien’s Rescue of Beren” at Oxonmoot 2024 (the Tolkien Society’s annual conference)

-Presenting the paper “Tolkien’s Heritage and Screen Adaptations: the Necessity of Being Infidel in the Light of Stam’s Dialogism” at the Tolkien Society’s hybrid seminar, entitled “Tolkien as Heritage.”

-He has also been awarded the Bursary Award for the Wordsworth Winter Conference 2025 and will be virtually presenting his paper “Of Vanished Faeries: ‘Tintern Abbey’ as Heterotopic Sub-Creation” in early March.