The Enterprise Compliance Office (ECO) is dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of our institution by upholding the highest standards of ethics. We strive to foster a culture of compliance, transparency, and accountability. We support the University’s commitment to deliver upon its mission and vision by proactively navigating the complex regulatory landscape.
Compliance Program
ECO assists University departments in fulfilling their responsibilities to effectively manage risk and comply with federal and state laws and regulations and University policies and procedures. ECO evaluates and advises on the effectiveness of the Institution’s compliance, risk and control environment, providing advice and consultation to management to build and strengthen compliance structures.
- We support the employee community in their efforts to: identify compliance risks; develop and implement mitigation plans; draft policies and procedures; and continuously monitor risks.
- We strive to provide employees with knowledge and resources to promote compliance and minimize risk.
- We inform the leadership team and the board on university-wide compliance matters and facilitate university-wide general compliance.
- We conduct or assist in regular compliance risk assessments.
Report a Concern?
If you wish to speak to the University Conflicts Advisor or should you have any questions, concerns, or would like to report a potential legal, regulatory or policy violation please contact the Enterprise Compliance Office at:
(401) 874-5749