URI Ethics Hotline
The University of Rhode Island is committed to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct. The Ethics Hotline provides an anonymous avenue to raise concerns through an independently administered program.
Call: 855-222-0764
Reportable Activities
Most instances of fraud, waste, abuse, and noncompliance are discovered through tips from honest people. Your reporting can minimize the potential negative impact to the University and its community. Reportable activities may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
- Theft, fraud, wase or abuse of resources;
- Misuse of government funding;
- Forgery or the alteration of documents
- Accounting or financial irregularities;
- Violations of laws, regulations, policies or procedures;
- Bribery;
- Conflicts of Interest (If research, see Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research)
Regular business matters and employment-related concerns should continue to be reported to your supervisor, local HR representative, or to the Vice President of HR (401-874-5270).
Reporting Process
The hotline is supported 24/7 by a third-party vendor, Mitratech Syntrio. They maintain a comprehensive anonymous internet- and telephone-based reporting process. Upon submission of your report, you will receive a case and PIN number to check back on the status of your report or share additional information. An acknowledgment letter confirming receipt of the report will be posted to the case file within two (2) business days of submission.
Reporters to the hotline can remain anonymous. Calls are not traced or recorded, and IP addresses are not logged. No one will know you are the reporter unless you willingly identify yourself during the call or while completing the report. The information you provide will be treated as confidential and privileged to the extent permitted by law. It is possible that as a result of the information provided, the reporter’s identity may become known.
Case Investigation
Upon receipt of the report a preliminary review will be performed to determine if the violation allegation:
- falls within the scope of the Policy and applicable laws and regulations;
- has a foundation or basis on fact;
- is continuing or not sufficiently mitigated; and
- is sufficiently creditable and specific so that the potential evidence of violation may be identified.
If the conditions are met, an Investigation will be conducted. The investigator may collect information and documentation relevant to the alleged violation and meet with sources. Upon completion, a final report will be issued with the findings, disposition, and recommended actions.
The final report will be provided to university officer who has authority to institute corrective measures. At the discretion of the University and subject to legal and other constraints, the individual reporting may receive information about the outcome of the investigation. Additional details can be found in the Procedures on Reporting Violations.