Get Involved

Want to get involved?

The FFM is supported by student, faculty and staff volunteers, we’d love to have you join our team (volunteer, for-credit, paid)!

Who can volunteer: Any student, faculty or staff!
What: Volunteer at the Farm and/or Market
When: Farm: Wednesdays 12-3 pm or 3-6 pm; Market: Thursdays 1030 – 130 pm
Where: Farm: Agronomy Farm; Market: Quad or Tootell location
How: Complete the Interest Form and a team member will contact you shortly

For Credit and Paid Opportunities

Credit: We offer 1-3 credit (40-90 hour) internships in coordination with NUT 451: Field Experience in Nutrition. Positions include: farm harvest team, market team, communications team, diversity team, athletics team, research team and logistics.

Paid: We offer 3-5 paid manager positions in the Fall hosted by Health Servies, Health Promotion. Positions include: Farm manger, Market manager, Farm to Market manager, Communications manager, Research manager

If you are interested in a for credit or paid position for Fall 2024 or Fall 2025, complete the interest form here! Any questions email: